[resteasy-dev] tjws

Weinan Li weli at redhat.com
Wed Jun 1 08:35:54 EDT 2016

Weinan Li / JBoss

> On Jun 1, 2016, at 7:55 PM, Alessio Soldano <asoldano at redhat.com> wrote:
> Il 01/06/2016 13:08, Weinan Li ha scritto:
>>>> Conclusion here on resteasy-dev list was, that we will use WildFly (not Undertow container). See this mail from Alessio: http://lists.jboss.org/pipermail/resteasy-dev/2016-May/000008.html
>>> I still feel that using wildfly for *all* the tests is overkill (anyway wildfly is using undertow).
>> By using undertow for one part of tests, we also gain benefit that we could keep improving our resteasy-undertow adapter.
>> Currently we have three main adapters:
>> - undertow adapter
>> - netty adapter
>> - sun jdk adapter
>> The undertow adapter is fully covered by JBoss community. Considering the current popularity of JBoss Swarm, I feel that these lightweight and modular solution will be more and more popular.
> I see your point; besides for the sun jdk one, which should likely be 
> dropped (or we simply avoid spending further energies on it), there's 
> some value in keeping multiple adapters. It's just that we need to have 
> the wildfly target more tested.
> As for using wfly for all tests being overkill... we'll see later, it 
> really depends on how you implement the solution imho, and as said in 
> the other email, we should have a configurable mechanism
+1 to configurable containers :-)

> based on 
> arquillian in the long term.
> Cheers
> Alessio
> -- 
> Alessio Soldano
> Web Service Lead, JBoss
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