[resteasy-dev] RESTEasy and possible "community" contribution

Rostislav Svoboda rsvoboda at redhat.com
Wed May 4 08:02:48 EDT 2016

Moving the discussion to the mailing list ++ adding few notes about the project structure and TS.

 - why is there one module jaxrs in the root of repo - https://github.com/resteasy/Resteasy ?
 - there are too many modules (in root jaxrs module) from my perspective
   -- multi module project structure can affect build time
   -- find . | grep pom.xml | wc -l reports 226 pom.xml files
   -- find . | grep pom.xml | grep -v arquillian | grep -v exam | grep -v test | wc -l reports 58 pom.xml files
 - not clear where is the real code and what is just add-odd like examples, book stuff
 - naming of modules in not in sync, some are starting resteasy-*, some do not have such prefix

 - commit messages do not follow same/similar format - see https://github.com/resteasy/Resteasy/commits/master
   -- I would expect jira id at the beginning of the commit message, it's there sometime but in different format - e.g. RESTEASY-1328 vs. [RESTEASY-1331]
 - massive commit message like https://github.com/resteasy/Resteasy/commit/fdd1f9f31edb894fa6f8684f2608224c39519e6c 
 - commit related to RESTEASY-1323 are really "fun"
   -- https://github.com/resteasy/Resteasy/pull/756/files 
   -- one fix in code (4 lines removed) + two tests done in 7 commits :(
   -- these commits should have been squashed

 - will leave this to Tomaz :)

 - unit tests are mixed with integration tests
   -- integration tests should be in separate module 
   -- tests should be running in different maven phases
 - there are only few tests against WF
 - such tests are not executed against latest WF, but mainly against WF 8
 - I would like to see ARQ + WF10+ and get rid of tjws

EAP 7 situation for TS:
 - we migrated upstream ts to use ARQ and run against EAP 7 and not tjws
 - we discovered half of reported issues thanks to this migrated TS, these issues wouldn't be noticed bu community TS executed against tjws
   -- 19 from 38 jiras - https://issues.jboss.org/issues/?jql=project%20%3D%20JBEAP%20AND%20issuetype%20%3D%20Bug%20AND%20resolution%20in%20%28Unresolved%2C%20Done%2C%20%22Out%20of%20Date%22%29%20AND%20component%20%3D%20REST
 - we will keep this TS for 7.0.z
 - we would like to consume & prod-patch upstream (ARQ + WF based) TS for the future releases

Upstream and QE specific TS should somehow converge into a single one.

My feeling is that (upstream) TS should be a bit isolated from the rest to make it easier for QE to test against products - like EAP.
Something similar what is in JBWS and maybe even beyond - no dependency on parent to have deps clearly defined.
For JBWS we consume upstream ts, patch it little bit + use prod based dependencies.


----- Original Message -----
> Hey Alessio,
> yes setting up mailing list or even better forums on developer.jboss.org
> would be great.
> for the changes I had in mind from top of my head
> - restructure project to move it one folder up so we, get rid of "jaxrs"
> folder, but that can be done later
> - unify versions of jetty used for tests
> - make project build on various platforms and be able to release new
> version maven-release-plugin
> - get rid of tjws
> - get rid of book
> https://github.com/resteasy/Resteasy/tree/master/jaxrs/examples/oreilly-jaxrs-2.0-workbook
> - probably best to move it to different repo
> - think about examples, maybe move them to different repo or clean them up
> so build would work properly.
> and lots of other ideas, but that would just be cleaning up the codebase so
> it would be easier to work from there.
> But yes, lets talk about it next week, as I also have some stuff to finish
> this week.
> --
> tomaz
> On Thu, Apr 28, 2016 at 9:38 PM, Alessio Soldano <asoldano at redhat.com>
> wrote:
> > Hi Rostislav, hi Tomaz,
> > thanks for the references. We'll have to go and parse the changes (and
> > also see what still applies and what would be out-of-date ;-) ).
> > Generally speaking, why not, let's listen to what "stage 0" tasks you have
> > in mind. I'm very busy till the end of the week, but I hope to have time to
> > spend on this next week. I'm still fixing few things with the team,
> > including having jboss mailing lists for the project.. if it makes sense to
> > you, I would propose to have some discussion on the proposed tasks on a dev
> > mailing list, ok?
> > Cheers
> > Alessio
> >
> >
> > Il 28/04/2016 18:10, Rostislav Svoboda ha scritto:
> >
> >> Hi Alessio.
> >>
> >> Several months ago I spoke with Tomaz about RESTEasy and Tomaz's effort
> >> with project cleanup + version sync. For example
> >> https://github.com/resteasy/Resteasy/commit/1f95cefc716d88533551c282977aa9b0ba2a8f10
> >> was merged, probably some more ideas are waiting for sunlight in branches
> >> like https://github.com/ctomc/Resteasy/tree/build-cleanup
> >>
> >> I pinged Tomaz today because of that and we spoke a bit about RESTEasy,
> >> Tomaz has some ideas for few "stage 0" tasks that should be done before
> >> anything else is going on. He [CCed to confirm that ;)] is also wiling to
> >> take few days to work on it if we agree on them being merged.
> >>
> >> So here we go, discussion can begin. Hope RESTEasy project structure will
> >> be in good condition soon!
> >>
> >> Cheers.
> >> Rostislav
> >>
> >>
> >
> > --
> > Alessio Soldano
> > Web Service Lead, JBoss
> >
> >

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