[resteasy-dev] PR #965

Rostislav Svoboda rsvoboda at redhat.com
Tue Oct 4 04:36:44 EDT 2016

> Folks,
> Tomaz has sent PR https://github.com/resteasy/Resteasy/pull/965 few
> minutes ago. It basically upgrade many dependencies and fix few things
> in the build to make it more jdk9 friendly. Besides that we eventually
> have a single jetty dependency in the whole build and the few remained
> jetty based tests are now using arquillian.
> Overall the changes look interesting and the build is passing on Travis
> CI. I'm thinking about merging the PR tomorrow or so, after having
> created few JIRAs for the component upgrades, and then cut a 3.1.0.CR2
> release. Any thought / concerns ?

Spring is bumped to 3.2.17.RELEASE
  => no problem with that on my side

EAP 7.1.0 DR6 uses (older versions than in PR)
 - fasterxml classmate 1.3.1
 - javax.mail 1.5.5
 - commons-io 2.4.0
 - httpcore 4.4.1
 - httpclient 4.5.0
 - bouncycastle 1.52
 - jettison 1.3.3

  => will be these items updated in EAP/WF codebase once new RESTEasy is merged ?
  => if they will be updated (eventually) no problem with it ;)

EAP 7.1.0 DR6 uses (newer versions than in PR)
 - undertow 1.4.3.Final
 - jboss-el-api_3.0_spec 1.0.7.Final
 - jboss-ejb-api_3.2_spec-1.0.0.Final-redhat-1.jar  RESTEasy is using jboss-ejb-api_3.1_spec

  => I think Undertow 1.3 is intentional for WF9 compatibility, right ?
  => I think jboss-*api things should be updated in RESTEasy codebase too.

Overall I think this could be merged, thanks for PR Tomaz!


> Cheers
> Alessio
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