[resteasy-dev] RESTEasy global settings for all deployments

Marek Kopecky mkopecky at redhat.com
Thu Sep 22 10:02:43 EDT 2016

Hi Alessio.

I'm thinking about global RESTEasy settings in server. Currently, there 
are no option for change of global RESTEasy settings for all deployment. 
All RESTEasy settings needs to be done in deployment.

Ideally global RESTEasy settings should be available from WildFly CLI.

*Example: *Let's say that server admin needs to disable 
DataSourceProvider for all deployments on server. Now, AFAIK, he needs to:

  * set "resteasy.use.builtin.providers" property in web.xml of all
    deployments to "false"
      o It disable all default providers.
  * explicitly set providers used in each deployment by
    "resteasy.providers" property in web.xml of all deployments

These steps are really uncomfortable, server admin needs to manually 
update all deployments in server. Ideally WildFly server admin could be 
able to disable DataSourceProvider by CLI. But at least server admin 
could beable to disable DataSourceProvider by system properties.

We can create feature request for this, WDYT?

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