[resteasy-dev] Spring framework dependency version upgrade?

Alessio Soldano asoldano at redhat.com
Fri Sep 30 09:43:06 EDT 2016

OK, thanks, moved to 3.1.0.RELEASE.


Il 30/09/2016 07:02, Rostislav Svoboda ha scritto:
> Hi.
> Based on Jurgen Hoeller's blog post [1] the Spring 3.2.x (basically whole 3.x) will be EOL'ed in December 2016.
> I think for EAP we certify just Spring 4, so upgrade to 3.1.o on community side is fine from my perspective.
> Rostislav
> [1] https://spring.io/blog/2015/06/15/spring-framework-3-2-x-eol-on-dec-31-2016
> ----- Original Message -----
>> Folks,
>> there's a PR here https://github.com/resteasy/Resteasy/pull/956 which
>> requires upgrading from Spring 3.0.6 to 3.1.0.
>> 3.1.0 is available since Dec 2011, so not really new stuff ;-) So I'm
>> wondering if you see any issue in upgrading and/or know if there's
>> anything controlling the Spring dependency version we have in RESTEasy.
>> Cheers
>> Alessio
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