Rich Widget Factory API that fulfills needs of JSF component JavaScript API

Lukáš Fryč lukas.fryc at
Fri Nov 29 12:53:12 EST 2013

One of the solutions could be as follows:

RichFaces components API will be exposed on Bridges instead of components:

var bridge = ...;
var autocomplete ='autocomplete')
$.each(autocomplete, function(key, value) {
  // for public methods
  if (key.indexOf('_') !== 0) {
    bridge[key] = function() {
      autocomplete[key].apply(autocomplete, arguments);

This could be even generalizes to bridge-base.js.

Then, once we reference public methods from widget and expose them to
we could simplify RichFaces.component method.

Finally, we could expose JSF-facing JavaScript API methods on the bridge:

    setValue : function(value) {

~ Lukas

On Wed, Nov 27, 2013 at 3:20 PM, Lukáš Fryč <lukas.fryc at> wrote:

> Hey guys,
> I have found a following issue:
> we expose public JSF component API for Widget Factory based component by
> allowing to reference widget reference (i.e. call methods directly on
> widget instance):
> #{rich:component('autocomplete')}.close();
> It will make sure that e.g. following methods can be invoked:
> But those methods doesn't have to be as rich as JSF component we had in
> RF4.
> E.g. in Autocomplete, we had methods getValue() and setValue().
> Those methods doesn't do anything else than setting an appropriate value
> to the input field. In order to allow unified API, we could expose those
> methods for RF5 Autocomplete as well, which will be just syntactic sugar in
> terms of Widget Factory -based API.
> ~ Lukas
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