Mark old releases in RFPL Jira as released

Brian Leathem bleathem at
Mon Jan 20 23:01:05 EST 2014

Hi Pavol,

I pretty much used RFPL exculsively for tracking RichFaces releases via 
the release jira issue we create for each issue.  When the release is 
complete there are oftentimes QE related issues in the release that 
prevent me from closing the RFPL version.  When those issues are 
resolved I do not come back to the RFPL version to close it.

Since your team makes much heavier use of the RFPL jira project for QE 
purposes, I suggest you request administrative access to the RFPL 
project so you can open/close issues as appropriate.  Does this sound 


On Fri 17 Jan 2014 05:33:26 AM PST, Pavol Pitoňák wrote:
> Hi,
> I noticed that several old releases are still marked as unreleased in RFPL:
> * 4.2.4
> * 4.2.5
> * 4.3.3
> * 4.3.4
> Regards,
> Pavol
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