[rules-dev] maven assembler

Geoffrey De Smet ge0ffrey.spam at gmail.com
Mon Apr 23 15:13:35 EDT 2007

I 'll take a look, hopefully friday afternoon :)

But I did notice you using assembly 2.1 instead 2.2-beta-1 (in parent pom).

With kind regards,
Geoffrey De Smet

Mark Proctor wrote:
> geoffrey,
> I believe you have commit rights ;)
> Mark
> Geoffrey De Smet wrote:
>> With kind regards,
>> Geoffrey De Smet
>> Mark Proctor wrote:
>>> At the moment we have 3 assemblies, bin, src, brms. I couldn't get 
>>> the drools-*.jar libs to go i na different direction to the 
>>> dependencies, so now all jars are in the same directory.
>> In maven-assembly-plugin 2.2-beta1 you can use <excludes> and 
>> <includes> in dependency sets, so you can define 2 <dependencySet>, 
>> each to a different dir.
>> http://maven.apache.org/plugins/maven-assembly-plugin/assembly.html
>>> Also for ease of distribution I don't think I'm going to have a bin  
>>> (without deps) and bin-withdeps, I'll just package the deps in as 
>>> default now.
>>> http://anonsvn.labs.jboss.com/labs/jbossrules/trunk/src/main/assembly/
>>> build.xml and ant are now deprecated and most likely don't work, we 
>>> will remove soon.
>>> The documentation and the eclipse plugin are now profiles 
>>> -Ddocumentation=true and -Declipse=true. However it seems that 
>>> somehow the docbook pathing has got screwed and isn't outputting 
>>> properly, edson?
>>> Mark
>>> Geoffrey De Smet wrote:
>>>> > PS I was trying to make a way to put dependencies in a seperate "lib"
>>>> > folder, but maven didn't recognise the <dependencySets> tag - just
>>>> > thought it would make for a neater distro for those not using maven.
>>>> Are you using the war or the assembly plugin to create the war?
>>>> Both versions are locked down in the parent pom (which will be 
>>>> enforced from maven 2.1 btw)?
>>>> They released maven-assembly-plugin 2.2-beta1, and I used 
>>>> dependencySet successfully in there. What exactly do you want to 
>>>> assemble?
>>>> PS: to keep the "mvn install" on the parent pom with all modules 
>>>> fast, I can really recommend to do assembly's in a seperate profile. 
>>>> I usually call this profile "production", but "complete" would be a 
>>>> good name too.
>>>> <profiles>
>>>>   <profile>
>>>>     <id>production</id>
>>>>     <build/plugins/plugin>
>>>>       <artifactId>maven-assembly-plugin</>
>>>>       <execution>
>>>>         <phase>package</>
>>>>         <goals/goal>assembly:attached</>
>>>>       </>
>>>>       <configuration>...
>>>> So normal builds do:
>>>>   mvn install
>>>> Complete builds do:
>>>>   mvn -Pproduction install
>>>> Other examples of goals that take to long are jar signing etc for 
>>>> webstart, that really needs to be in the "production" profile.
>>>> With kind regards,
>>>> Geoffrey De Smet
>>>> Michael Neale wrote:
>>>>> BRMS is now added as a seperate file (just the war).
>>>>> Its a largish file (~20 meg it will be, all told) - so one other 
>>>>> idea is a seperate download.
>>>>> Thoughts?
>>>>> Michael.
>>>>> Michael.
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