[rules-dev] Conway example - update to use ruleflow

Anstis, Michael (M.) manstis1 at ford.com
Fri May 18 04:11:15 EDT 2007

Are you happy for me to continue with the work? I can plug a Factory in
to do as you describe. It depends upon your dead-line for "examples"...
As a side, calling WorkingMemory.startProcess(xxx) doesn't clear the
agenda so anything previously scheduled gets run along with the process.
Is this by design?
If so, documenting it (yep, I appreciate where everyone - "the
community" - is with that) would have prevented my head scratching last


	From: rules-dev-bounces at lists.jboss.org
[mailto:rules-dev-bounces at lists.jboss.org] On Behalf Of Mark Proctor
	Sent: 18 May 2007 02:35
	To: Rules Dev List
	Subject: Re: [rules-dev] Conway example - update to use ruleflow
	No I only did agenda groups. Key part to the "port" is to share
code, so we still have examples for agenda-groups, don't want to loose
those. Probalby create a factory of some sort to abstract away the parts
in conway that do any rule stuff, so a switch can specify whether the
factory is ruleflowgroup or agenda groups.
	Michael Neale wrote: 

		Hi Michael.
		I think Mark was working on a "stateful" conways example
(the old was stateless) - I wasn't sure if he got to using ruleflow
(just check first). 
		Ruleflow is probably very useful to most people who
would have used agenda-groups - agenda-groups are a stack, which is not
intuitive to most people, but ruleflows are more imperative, so examples
showing that are appreciated. I would almost go as far as to say that
*most* of the time when you want control, you want ruleflow (you will
know if you want agenda). Correct me if I am wrong, ruleflow is new to
me ! 
		On 5/16/07, Anstis, Michael (M.) <manstis1 at ford.com>

			Just to let you know I am updating the example
to use ruleflow (it looks like one or more rules are wrong too as the
"glider" doesn't glide, so I'll have a look at these also). 

			Doesn't look particularly taxing so should have
it done very soon - provided the wife doesn't complain that she's not
seeing much of me in the evenings ;-)

			With kind regards, 


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