[rules-dev] ruleflow processes

Michael Neale michael.neale at gmail.com
Tue May 22 00:54:04 EDT 2007

Kris, looking at the ruleflow stuff (not the core, but the .rf stuff), I
have a suggestion on how to make it more integrated with the ruleset/package

At the moment Ruleflow packages are a seperate entity that is merged into a
RuleBase as needed.

Does anyone have any objections if we add the ability to have ruleflow as
part of a rule Package itself? (thus when that package is added to the
rulebase, all the processes for ruleflow go along with it)? so a
ruleflow.rffile for example becomes just another asset like a drl?

Kris? thoughts? downsides?
No need to change the current API.

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