[rules-dev] Re : Drools 4.0.x branch has still some issues with serialization

siddhartha banik siddhartha.banik at gmail.com
Thu Mar 20 14:11:09 EDT 2008

Hi Group Members,

In Drools 4.0.5 release most of the bugs with *"Working Memory
serialization"* are fixed. But still the feature has few bugs.

The bug scenario :
1. Create a rule Base & Working Memory (Stateful Session).
2. Assert some objects in Working Memory & call fireAll()
3. Serialize both  Rule Base & Working Memory.
4. De Serialize Rule Base & Working Memory.
5. Remove Pkg/rule from Rule Base.
6. Serialize both Rule Base & Working Memory.
7. De Serialize Rule Base & Working Memory. --------->* In this step Working
Memory De Serialization fails with java.lang.ClassNotFoundException.
*8. Assert some more objects in Working Memory & call fireAll()

I have tested the scenario using *"MarshallingTest.java"* from Drools
Codebase. In the *
MarshallingTest.testSerializeAddRemove_NoClassDefFoundError()* test case,
I have appended bellow mentioned code snippet at end:

        ruleBase = (RuleBase) serializeIn( serializedRulebase );
        session = ruleBase.newStatefulSession( new ByteArrayInputStream(
serializedSession ) );    *//  throws java.lang.ClassNotFoundExceptionException
*        results = (List) session.getGlobal( "results" );

        InternalFactHandle stilton5 = (InternalFactHandle) session.insert(
new Cheese( "stilton", 30 ) );
        InternalFactHandle brie5 = (InternalFactHandle) session.insert( new
Cheese( "brie", 30 ) );
        InternalFactHandle bob7 = (InternalFactHandle) session.insert( new
Person( "bob", 30 ) );
        InternalFactHandle bob8 = (InternalFactHandle) session.insert( new
Person( "bob", 40 ) );

        assertEquals( 8,
                      results.size() );
        assertEquals( bob7.getObject(),
                      results.get( 6 ) );
        assertEquals( bob8.getObject(),
                      results.get( 7 ) );

        serializedSession = null;
        serializedRulebase = null;

        serializedSession = serializeOut( session );
        serializedRulebase = serializeOut( ruleBase );


*One more bug is:*  Can not serialize Working Memory if  Rule contains *
Accumulate* or *Collect* Conditional element. Because, both of them have
nested static class "*AccumulateMemory*" & "*CollectMemory*" respectively,
which are not serializable.

We want to use Drools in our project with its *"Working Memory
serialization"* feature to maintain state of Rule Engine between executions.
So Fix of All bugs related to *"Working Memory serialization"* feature is
very important for us.

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