[rules-dev] ActivationCancelledEvent / ActivationCancelledCause

Mark Proctor mproctor at codehaus.org
Wed Aug 4 04:51:35 EDT 2010

  On 04/08/2010 09:34, Wolfgang Laun wrote:
> The enum type defines three values as indication for an activation's 
> cancellation.
> WME_MODIFY, FILTER and CLEAR. Since I was missing something, I looked
> and found that CLEAR is used for two very much different reasons:
> - due to Agenda.clear()
> - when deleting a rule.
Filter is the result of the agenda-filter causing the activation to cancel:
                         if ( filter == null || filter.accept( item ) ) {
                             // fire it
                             fireActivation( item );
                             result = true;
                         } else {
                             // otherwise cancel it and try the next
                             final EventSupport eventsupport = 
(EventSupport) this.workingMemory;

eventsupport.getAgendaEventSupport().fireActivationCancelled( item,
                                                                                           ActivationCancelledCause.FILTER );
                             tryagain = true;

WME_MODIFY is the result of any wme action that causes an activation to 
be cancelled.

CLEAR is the result of a forced cancellation of an activation, either be 
explicitely calling clear or removing a rule.

I agree we could probably split that out and have a KB_MODIFY, so that 
if the activation is cancelled as a result the rule being removed we get 
a different event.

> Is this intentional?
> -W
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