[rules-dev] Trouble using constants to access Maps

Mark Proctor mproctor at codehaus.org
Sun Jan 31 12:42:56 EST 2010

try seeing if your problems work the newest version of drools. If so 
then it is likely an issue with earlier versions of Drools, which are 
not likely to fix - so you'll have to upgrade.

On 31/01/2010 15:25, @ndré wrote:
> I tried version the MVEL version from 1.3.9 to 1.3.12, but I can still not
> make use of the constant class. Above MVEL 1.3.12 I get the
> lang.NoSuchMethodError: org.mvel.MVEL.setThreadSafe(Z)V
> The error message I receive now is different from the original one.
> Refering directly to the "constant" like this:
> AgreementOffer($logicalFixedNumber:configurationParameters[ParameterId.LOGICAL_NUMBER_FIXED.stringValue])
> produces this error,
>   org.mvel.CompileException: unable to resolve property: unable to resolve
> token: ParameterId.LOGICAL_NUMBER_FIXED.stringValue
> and when first assigns the value to a variable:
> $xx:String(this != null) from ParameterId.LOGICAL_NUMBER_FIXED.stringValue
> AgreementOffer($logicalFixedNumber:configurationParameters[$xx])
> produces a similar error:
> org.mvel.CompileException: unable to resolve property: $xx
> @ndré

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