[rules-dev] [rules-users] copyright violation issue on Drools

Mark Proctor mproctor at codehaus.org
Wed Sep 1 03:11:56 EDT 2010

  On 01/09/2010 02:27, 山本 裕介 wrote:
> Richard's answer was:
> - I am actually currently on PTO but will get back to you as soon as practicable when I return.(Aug 21)
> - We will not be removing those changes. Please do not continue asking about this matter.(Aug 31)
Yusuke Yamamoto,

A mailing list is not the right place to raise legal questions, there 
won't be many lawyers on here. I made my own opinion on how OSS 
licensing works very clear and the need for certainty. If you think I'm 
wrong then go through the Red Hat legal department and i'll obide by 
their decision.

Whatever your dispute is with Red Hat, don't take it out by needlessly 
harrasing my community and throwing your toys out of the pram; it won't 
achieve anything other than to make yourself look like a very troubled 

I've been as polite as I can, but you've harassed us on irc recently, 
despite me politely pleeding with you to leave and then decided to paste 
your own stupidity (irc log) into jira https://jira.jboss.org/o 
browse/JBRULES-2660. Now your pasting private conversations into public 
forums on a topic that no one on here cares about.

If you think your grievances are real and not achieving satisfaction 
directly with the Red Hat legal department,  then seek legal council and 
do it through the proper channels, otherwise STFU.

My guess is you are hoping to achieve your spiteful aims by being a 
bully and publicly harassing Red Hat communities and trying to publicly 
embarass Red Hat, your former employer. Unfortunately, for you, the only 
thing you are achieving is leaving a trail of google search results for 
your future employers to find, that will be on the internet FOREVER. Do 
you want them to form their opinion of youself from this thread?

So do yourself and your career a favour, take a holiday, go relax and 
put this behind you. Move forward with your life as you won't achieve 
anything positive going going down this route.

I think it's at times like this we can all learn a thing or two from 
Grand Master Yoda - "Fear is the path to the dark side. Fear leads to 
anger. Anger leads to hate. Hate leads to suffering."


PS. My advice is for you not to reply to this, and let this thread die 
here, nothing positive for you can be achieved.
> That's why I post this matter to this list.
> On Sep 1, 2010, at 6:19 AM, Mark Proctor wrote:
>> Because this is a legal matter no one in my team can do anything or discuss anything with you, we've been instructed that everything must go through RHT legal. Please discuss this directly with Richard Fontana: rfontana at redhat.com
>> Mark
>> On 31/08/2010 17:41, 山本 裕介 wrote:
>>> I have consulted RH legal dept. only to get no meaningful response.
>>> I guess Edson is the one who commit most of these files.
>>> The how and why they need to be uncommitted is attached to the Jira issue.
>>> Thanks,
>>> Yusuke
>>> On Sep 1, 2010, at 1:34 AM, Mauricio Salatino wrote:
>>>> Hi Yusuke, good question. I'm not sure where is the right place, but you are only asking to rollback your changes right?
>>>> who commit all your contributions to the jboss repo?
>>>> I also saw that you mention: "For several reasons, I decided to withdraw those contributions introduced from my spare time. "
>>>> can you mention those reasons? so we, as community can learn why you want to remove your contributions. I'm just curious.
>>>> Greetings.
>>>> On Tue, Aug 31, 2010 at 12:50 PM, 山本 裕介<yamamoyu at gmail.com>  wrote:
>>>> Where is the appropriate forum for copyright issues?
>>>> On Sep 1, 2010, at 12:45 AM, Greg Barton wrote:
>>>>> This is not the appropriate forum for copyrighgt issues.
>>>>> GreG
>>>>> On Aug 31, 2010, at 9:40, 山本 裕介<yamamoyu at gmail.com>  wrote:
>>>>> Hi,
>>>>> There's a copyright violation issue on Drools 5.1 release.
>>>>> Please remove the changes listed in the following issue.
>>>>> https://jira.jboss.org/browse/JBRULES-2660
>>>>> Thanks,
>>>>> Yusuke
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