[rules-dev] [rules-users] copyright violation issue on Drools

Yusuke Yamamoto yamamoyu at gmail.com
Wed Sep 1 13:04:17 EDT 2010

Hi all,

I reconsidered this matter and noticed that Eric is right in some way.
I should have recognized that the Drools project and Red Hat are not equivalent.
I'll try to get the Red Hat's legal dept.'s response.
I regret the fact I bother the community. And apologies for bothering the community.

Drools is a super-cool product I loved.
Please understand that now I'm in a depression state and sometime cannot make an appropriate judge.
And I'll try love this product again after I recovered from the depression state.

-- here's the very personal background. People who are not interested, please just ignore.
I am diagnosed with a depression state and adjustment disorder due the some violent actions from by my colleague.
And my boss, HR dept. failed to sort thing out.
My depression got worse and I requested a paternal leave to take some rest and to get relaxed.
Paternal is guaranteed by the labor standard law.
But somewhat the HR told me that I am not eligible for that.
So I started unnamed sick leave due to the illness.
Although the company rule offers three to six months paid absence, but they didn't pay without giving any explanation.
Later on, I got terminated due to the sickness.
Under the Japanese labor standard law, a company cannot terminate the employment 
because of the sickness caused by work.
Labor standard inspection office is also inspecting the incident right now.
My doctor suggests me to simplify things that are twisting my mind.
And this matter came up in my mind. I spent a lot of spare time to make Drools working 
in international environments. It was successful and we got some deal in Japan.
And later on Red Hat gave a termination notice instead of incentive bonus.
And those violent actions, harassments, illegal termination are being handled by my lawyer.


On Sep 1, 2010, at 11:29 PM, Eric Schabell wrote:

> I think someone needs to look a bit closer at this story, as you have the PROJECT Drools which is not the same as the PRODUCTS produced and supported by Red Hat. 
> Red Hat does  not 'own' the Drools project, it just sponsors the project a lot and pays some of the developers to do what they do.
> I am not surprised that Red Hat legal dept does not respond, they have nothing to respond to.
> Regards, erics
> ----- "Yusuke Yamamoto" <yamamoyu at gmail.com> wrote: 
> > I understand you, but Red Hat legal dept. doesn't responding and there's no other place to talk this matter.
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