[rules-dev] accumulate to acc

Ansgar Konermann ansgar.konermann at googlemail.com
Fri Aug 19 05:32:12 EDT 2011

Am 18.08.2011 18:38, schrieb Mark Proctor:
> We are looking to tighten up accumulate, using a new keyword to 
> differentiate. It will use ; for separation, to follow a similar form to 
> a 'for' loop.
> acc( CE*;
> <func>*;
> <guard>? )
Hi Mark,

from the above description, I don't grok the meaning of the "new acc".
Could you describe in a few words what "acc" is going to do?

>From a user perspective, I find it hard to differentiate between "acc"
and "accumulate". I bet this is going to be an eternal source of
confusion and "which acc is for which purpose?" questions.

If "acc" is different from "accumulate", then I'd like to learn what
"acc" actually does, how it differs from "accumulate" and try to find a
keyword which precisely resembles what it does.

Best regards


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