[rules-dev] accumulate to acc

Geoffrey De Smet ge0ffrey.spam at gmail.com
Fri Aug 19 07:42:23 EDT 2011

"Good programmers appreciate what you put in,
Great programmers appreciate what you leave out "
  -- Josh Bloch

I also believe that having 2 accumulates is just going to bring 
confusion and complexity.

Op 19-08-11 11:32, Ansgar Konermann schreef:
> Am 18.08.2011 18:38, schrieb Mark Proctor:
>> We are looking to tighten up accumulate, using a new keyword to
>> differentiate. It will use ; for separation, to follow a similar form to
>> a 'for' loop.
>> acc( CE*;
>> <func>*;
>> <guard>? )
> Hi Mark,
> from the above description, I don't grok the meaning of the "new acc".
> Could you describe in a few words what "acc" is going to do?
> > From a user perspective, I find it hard to differentiate between "acc"
> and "accumulate". I bet this is going to be an eternal source of
> confusion and "which acc is for which purpose?" questions.
> If "acc" is different from "accumulate", then I'd like to learn what
> "acc" actually does, how it differs from "accumulate" and try to find a
> keyword which precisely resembles what it does.
> Best regards
> Ansgar
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With kind regards,
Geoffrey De Smet

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