[rules-dev] JIRAs JBRULES-3195, 3196, 3197, 3198

Wolfgang Laun wolfgang.laun at gmail.com
Fri Sep 2 03:58:56 EDT 2011

Without much hope of getting fixes (althoufh an infinite loop *is* rather
nasty) I have created 4 more JIRAs, most if not all of which are related to
MVEL. However, I feel compelled to document the oddities exhibited by MVEL,
especially where it does not accept or handle code that works well or is
decently diagnosed when using Java.

https://issues.jboss.org/browse/JBRULES-3198 is particularly remarkable as
it seems to indicate that MVEL deviates from Java even at the lexical level,
processing something like   X/*Y*/    as a (class) name.

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