[rules-dev] [rules-users] Need Camel + drools (OSGI) integration help

Mark Proctor mproctor at codehaus.org
Fri Feb 3 04:21:59 EST 2012

neither spring or camel have been OSGi-ified. only api, core, compiler, 
templates, decision-tables and flow have.

If someone wants to OSGi-ify those and contribute back they are very 
1) update the pom.xml to use the osgi bundle plugin, see other existing 
2) create an Activator to register the module, again see Activator's for 
core, compiler etc.
3) update the osgi bundle's pom with new dependencies, make sure to pull 
in the spring ones, unless the actual project provides osgi ready jars.
4) Update the boot-bundles.properties so that Spring DM loads the OSGi 
5) write unit tests for spring and camel.

On 03/02/2012 03:47, Alexander Filipchik wrote:
> Hello all!
> Don't know if it is right list to ask, but I'm trying to make drools + 
> camel running on Fuse (ServiceMix container).
> I couldn't even install OSGI drools artifacts for 5.3.1 version 
> (because of weird dependency on drools.core Snapshot),
> but did it with v5.2.1. I used:
> mvel2/2.1.0, 
> org.drools/drools-core/5.2.1.Final, org.drools/drools-compiler/5.2.1.Final, 
> org.drools/knowledge-api/5.2.1.Final 
> and org.drools/drools-camel/5.2.1.Final.
> All are installed and active. Part of log:
> [ 162] [Active     ] [            ] [       ] [   60] Drools :: 
> Compiler (5.2.1.Final)
> [ 163] [Active     ] [            ] [       ] [   60] mvel2 
> (2.1.0.drools4)
> [ 164] [Active     ] [            ] [       ] [   60] Drools :: Core 
> (5.2.1.Final)
> [ 165] [Active     ] [            ] [       ] [   60] Knowledge API 
> (5.2.1.Final)
> [ 172] [Active     ] [            ] [       ] [   60] 
> mvn:org.drools/drools-camel/5.2.1.Final
> Then I tried to add my own camel-drools router (I created OSGI bundle 
> for it). It depends on:
> Import-Package: 
> org.apache.activemq,org.apache.activemq.camel.component,org.apache.activemq.pool,org.apache.camel;version="[2.8,3)",org.apache.camel.builder;version="[2.8,3)",org.apache.camel.component.jms;version="[2.8,3)",org.apache.camel.model;version="[2.8,3)",org.drools.camel.component,org.osgi.service.blueprint;version="[1.0.0,2.0.0)",org.springframework.transaction;version="[3,4)"
> It tried to install it to a container but all I got -
> Error executing command: Unresolved constraint in bundle 
> com.betfair.drools [170]: Unable to resolve 170.0: missing requirement 
> [170.0] package; (package=org.drools.camel.component)
> I even tried to put drools-camel.jar with org.drools.camel.component 
> in a lib folder and add package to 
> org.osgi.framework.system.packages.extra, but got same result.
> Do you have any idea, blog posts, samples which could help me?
> I'm completely stuck.
> Thanks,
> Alex
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