[rules-dev] A syntax for rules

Wolfgang Laun wolfgang.laun at gmail.com
Thu Jul 26 00:53:32 EDT 2012

As proof of "pluggable parsers" working, keep the current 5.x syntax in
parallel to any new format.

If migration to 6.x implies both a change of the language and an
engine with considerable changes in it, I fear that the decision
between staying with 5.x and upgrading to 6.x will be lopsided.
Not having to suffer from both would mitigate this.


On 26/07/2012, Mark Proctor <mproctor at codehaus.org> wrote:
> I would add that pluggable parsers to investigate alternative rule
> language design ontop of Drools is perfectly acceptable, and probaby
> desirable. Any parser should be able to map to the descr tree.
> I'm happy to look into how we can make pluggable parsers more of an end
> users feature, if there are people out there that want to have a go at
> designing and writting their own rule language.
> Mark
> On 25/07/2012 09:00, Wolfgang Laun wrote:
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