[rules-dev] 3rd party jars

Mark Proctor mproctor at codehaus.org
Wed Mar 7 05:53:10 EST 2012

quartz should be an optional jar only needed if you wish to adapt 
existing quartz calendars. Otherwise you can just write your own 
calendars against our own interface.

On 07/03/2012 09:41, Wolfgang Laun wrote:
> Is there a standard procedure for Drools releases, regulating whether
> they contain 3rd party jars that are essential for core (!) functions
> of Drools?
> For example: After downloading and installing 5.3.0, I tried to use a
> rule calendar, but there's no "quartz" to be found in all the *.jar
> files in /drools-distribution-5.3.0.Final/binaries.
> Downloading quartz is no problem, but it would be NICE if there were a
> hint in the ReadMeDrools.txt. (And what else is required but not
> included?)
> -W
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