[rules-dev] Quotes from javadoc of 6.0.0 Beta 3

Wolfgang Laun wolfgang.laun at gmail.com
Mon Jun 17 10:01:03 EDT 2013

On 17/06/2013, Mario Fusco <mario.fusco at gmail.com> wrote:
>> Quotes from Javadoc of 6.0.0 Beta 3
>> (1)
>> org.kie.api.builder Interface KieBuilder
>> "Sets the other KieModules from which the KieModule that has to be
>> built by this KieBuilder depends on"
>> "Sets the other Resources from which the KieModule that has to be
>> built by this KieBuilder depends on"
>> I had to read these several times... Does this mean:
>> The KieModule to be built by this KieBuilder depends on the given
>> KieModules.
>> The KieModule to be built by this KieBuilder depends on the given
>> Dependencies.
> Not sure I get the difference between these last 2 sentences. It means the
> given KieModules are dependencies for the KieModule that is going to be
> built. Can you suggest a better way to make this more understandable in
> plain English?

Oops, here I caught the wrong class name. What I propose is:

	setDependencies(KieModule... dependencies)
 The KieModule to be built by this KieBuilder depends on the given KieModules.

	setDependencies(Resource... dependencies)
The KieModule to be built by this KieBuilder depends on the given Resources.

> StatelessKnowledgeSession and StatefulKnowledgeSession have been replaced
> respectively by KieSession and StatelessKieSession. We are keeping the
> first ones as aliases for the second ones in kie-internal only for
> compatibility reasons.

That's what I thought. But the old names shouldn't appear in the
public API javadoc, or else there will be confusion.


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