[rules-dev] IMPORTANT: git merges

Cristiano Gavião cvgaviao at gmail.com
Thu May 9 19:12:51 EDT 2013

Hi, just to complement what Edson stated, I would like to recommend this
article. it is very instructive:


and read the comments too because there are a good example with figures



2013/4/25 Edson Tirelli <ed.tirelli at gmail.com>

>    All,
>    We noticed lately that an increasing number of git merges is happening
> in the Drools/jBPM codebase. Git merges can be easily identified in the
> "network" graph in github repo, or by using any other Git client tool, as
> parallel lines in the branch history. E.g.:
> https://github.com/droolsjbpm/droolsjbpm-knowledge/network
>    Please note that each and every merge, while not a big problem by
> itself, increases the risk of overriding code changes (i.e., losing code)
> as well as increases future maintenance cost. If you want know more about
> it, feel free to ask, or just trust me on this... :)
>    Git offers an alternative to merges in the form of "rebase". Rebase
> enables developers to commit code on top of the most recent change in the
> branch, instead of in parallel to it. It guarantees no code will be lost
> when doing that, and makes it easier to maintain code in the future. If you
> don't know how to rebase code, please read one of the many git
> books/documentation available on line, like:
> http://git-scm.com/book
>    Also feel free to ask and I will be happy to help.
>    There is just one case where rebase can not be used:
> * You should NEVER rebase a commit that was published to a public
> repository before.
>    Also, the github pull request "merge" button uses merge instead of
> rebase. While it is very quick and easy for a developer to click on that
> button, please note that it introduces merges, and at the same time commits
> code that was not tested by the person doing the merge. It is acceptable
> for small code fixes, but for anything larger than a few lines of code
> changes, you should pull the changes into your machine rebasing them, run
> the tests to make sure they are still clean and only after that push the PR
> changes to the public repo.
>    Please be aware of that and try to minimize merges by using rebase
> whenever possible.
>    Thanks,
> --
>   Edson Tirelli
>   JBoss Drools Core Development
>   JBoss by Red Hat @ www.jboss.com
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"Tudo vale a pena se a alma não é pequena..."
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