[rules-users] dialect: Java or MVEL

Mark Proctor mproctor at codehaus.org
Mon Sep 24 13:11:28 EDT 2007

Java is more mature in tooling and implementation and is still currently 
the default implementation and the recommended one if you are not sure. 
MVEL will eventually become the default dialect when it matures, its 
advantage is in the simpler language it provides, which helps make rules 
easier to read and write. It can also operate in reflection mode, which 
can really help for large rule based systems that have perm gen issues.

ekke wrote:
> can someone tell me, when to use java or mvel as dialect ?
> I've experienced that in some cases inside the drl editor using java
> gives me more context-help then using mvel
> but: what can I do with java and not with mvel
> and what advantages has mvel compared with java
> which dialect is more performant ?
> thx for infos from insiders
> ekke

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