[rules-users] Agenda group doesn't stay set?

Kris Verlaenen kris.verlaenen at cs.kuleuven.be
Mon Apr 28 16:39:11 EDT 2008

Ruleflow groups allow you to group rules together and rules inside a ruleflow group only execute when the ruleflow-group is active.  You can use ruleflow groups inside a ruleflow but they can be used outside ruleflows as well.  You could manually activate and deactivate ruleflow groups using workingMemory.getAgenda().[de]activateRuleflowGroup(name).  You can decide whether a ruleflow group should auto-deactivate if it contains no more activations or not.

I guess it's not exactly what you are looking for but it might be useful.


  ----- Original Message ----- 
  From: Bagwell, Allen F 
  To: Rules Users List 
  Sent: Monday, April 28, 2008 8:49 PM
  Subject: [rules-users] Agenda group doesn't stay set?

  I'm writing rules in different agenda groups and witnessing something curious.

  Right now when I put my fireAllRules() in a callback that is triggered every couple of seconds I have to do this:

  Callback executes on receipt of a heartbeat message:

  What I would prefer to do is this is set my agenda group external to the callback so I have the liberty to simply use the callback to execute rules on whatever agenda I give focus to elsewhere:

  Callback executes on receipt of a heartbeat message:

  But this doesn't work.

  My understanding is that unless you explicitly set the agenda-group each time, then fireAllRules() resets your agenda group to "MAIN"?

  Is there a way to get the session to retain focus on the agenda group I specify until I see fit to change it?

  Allen F. Bagwell
  e-mail:  afbagwe at sandia.gov
  phone:  505/284-4517
  fax:  505/ 844-7886

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