[rules-users] Guvnor (5.3.0 Final)- Rule using accumulate with windows:length delivers an unexpected result

axel axel.poeschmann at solutions.endress.com
Tue Nov 8 02:44:00 EST 2011

Hello All,

I'm using Guvnor 5.3.0-Final with Tomcat 6.0 testing the following simple
rule getting unexpected results. Maybe someone can give me a hint whats
wrong in my rule. 
Thanks in advance!


Short Rule description:

A list is built from selected event-facts evalEvent(@role (event), Double f,
String wam) over a certain window in a first line (because I found the hint
to do it seperately in another thread). Next, I want to caclculate the
avarage, but only from the selected events in the list. Finally, I check a
certain limit with the average and the RHS is just inserting a fact to
generate some output in the test case. 

rule "Event Processing Evaluation" 
dialect "mvel" 
  $list:java.util.List() from collect( evalEvent(wam == 'D1', f != null)
over window:length( 1 ))  
  $average:Double() from accumulate( evalEvent($vf:f) from
$list,average($vf) )  
  eval($average > 5) 
  internalEvent fact0 = new internalEvent(); 
  fact0.setDesrc( "Internal Event: "+ $average ); 
  insert(fact0 ); 
Test details from Guvnor Test that delivers an (for me) unexpected result:

I'm inserting three events, where the avarage of all three events is over
the limit, but taken only the last or last two (same result) as I want to do
with the window:length is not and shoud therefore not fire the rule. I added
below output details from the Guvnor Test that shows the following: The list
seams to be right (only the last event in $list), the avarage seams to be
right ($average = 5.0) - but the rule still fires. 
It seams for me that the average of all three evnts is internally used for
eval($average > 5). I tried a lot of variants, but nothing works well. I'd
like to check to use an entry-point if that changes the result, but I found
no way within the Guvnor Test Case Editor putting enty points in for events. 

 OBJECT ASSERTED value:evalEvent( wam=D1, f=6.0 ) factId: 1 
 OBJECT ASSERTED value:evalEvent( wam=D1, f=5.0 ) factId: 6 
 OBJECT ASSERTED value:evalEvent( wam=D1, f=5.0 ) factId: 9 
 FIRING rule: [Event Processing Evaluation] activationId:Event Processing
Evaluation [3, 2, 0] declarations: $list=[evalEvent( wam=D1, f=5.0 )](2);
  OBJECT ASSERTED value:internalEvent( desrc=Internal Event: 5.0 ) factId:

View this message in context: http://drools.46999.n3.nabble.com/Guvnor-5-3-0-Final-Rule-using-accumulate-with-windows-length-delivers-an-unexpected-result-tp3489546p3489546.html
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