[rules-users] Issues with Eclipse Excel Plugin for Drools Decision Tables

Vincent LEGENDRE vincent.legendre at eurodecision.com
Wed Nov 9 13:31:48 EST 2011

Eclipse does not lock files, none of them, including xls ... 
May be you have an excel process still in execution (not killed by buggy OLEEditor) that keeps some locks ?

"OOTB Eclipse" ? don't know what it is, but may be the problem is here ? 

I do use Excel spreadsheet in real applications. But in real applications, real users are not under eclipse...
And me, under Eclipse, never experienced such boring procedures, as soon as I banned OLEEditor ... and put my XLS outside source code to avoid refreshing (put them in a resource dir, something external to intern code, because rules are evolving).

And once again, XLS eclipse editor is part of eclipse, not drools plugin. In fact, I am pretty sure that this OLE Editor is more there as a demo to embed OLE components (still not understand the utility to transform something portable to win-specific ...), rather than a real supported feature ... but it is my opinion.

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