[rules-users] Plugging custom verification rules into Guvnor

Wolfgang Laun wolfgang.laun at gmail.com
Thu May 17 12:31:04 EDT 2012


you might also consider adding your own rule to one of the existing
verifyer DRL files. I think they are part of some .jar file, so all
you'd need to do is de-jar, edit, re-jar, or just fiddle with class
path if that's the way the verifiy locates the DRL resources.


On 17/05/2012, Toni Rikkola <toni.rikkola at gmail.com> wrote:
> Hi,
> There is no way to do this in Guvnor right now. You can use custom rules
> with Verifier outside of Guvnor. You can even make the custom rules with
> Guvnor. What is missing is the ability to use the rules in Guvnor for the
> "Source -> Verify".
> This has been on the wish list for some time, but can't promise that it will
> get done for some time. If you want to help and add it in, let me know.
> https://issues.jboss.org/browse/GUVNOR-1898
> Toni Rikkola
> On May 16, 2012, at 11:14 AM, Joe Ammann wrote:
>> Hi all
>> coming from another thread [1], Wolfgang pointed me to the Guvnor/Drools
>> verifier. I am looking now for ways to implement my own verification
>> rules into Guvnor.
>> Ideally, I would like to be able to hook into 2 places in Guvnor with
>> custom rules (maybe these are going actually through the same code path
>> in Guvnor)
>> 1) When editing BRLs (or other business oriented asset types) and
>> selecting "Source -> Verify"
>> 2) When doing "Run Analysis" on a package in QA Menu
>> I searched the documentation and had a quick look at the source of
>> Guvnor, but wasn't able to quickly find the way to achieve this. Any
>> pointers?
>> --
>> CU, Joe
>> [1] http://lists.jboss.org/pipermail/rules-users/2012-May/026518.html
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