[rules-users] Persist JPA Entity fact in session

Mauricio Salatino salaboy at gmail.com
Thu May 24 12:34:42 EDT 2012

You can use the Variable Persistency Strategies, that will store your facts
in the database for you.
You need to configure in the environment the strategies for example:

Notice that you will need to provide your domain specific entityManager to
the JPAPlaceholderResolverStrategy


On Thu, May 24, 2012 at 1:30 PM, Alberto R. Galdo <argaldo at gmail.com> wrote:

> Hi,
>    We are in a fireUntilHalt during a persistent StatefulKnowledgeSession
> using JTA & JPA with Hibernate ... Our session consists in a series of
> facts ( well, we are not different of anyone else for that matter ... xD )
> but some of our facts are also JPA @Entity . What we want is to persist
> those entities on their own database tables as well as the SessionInfo each
> time Drools considers the knowledge session needs to be persisted.
>    We are aware that Drools uses
> org.drools.persistence.jpa.persist(SessionInfo) .... What would be the best
> approach to get certain facts that are JPA Entities persisted along with
> the Session taking advantage of the Drool's SessionInfo persistence loop?
> Best regards,
> Alberto R. Galdo
> argaldo at gmail.com
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