[rules-users] Lots of org.drools.common.ScheduledAgendaItem instances in memory

Wolfgang Laun wolfgang.laun at gmail.com
Tue May 29 03:35:28 EDT 2012

On 29/05/2012, Werner Stoop <wstoop at gmail.com> wrote:
> Hi, thank you for your response.
> We use Drools 5.3.1 through Maven. When I invoke Drools, for each event I
> receive I do the following:
>   ksession.insert(obj);
>   ksession.fireAllRules();
This is OK.

> Yes, we do use timers. In one case we want to remove alarms that have been
> cleared for more than an hour from the knowledgebase. We don't remove them
> immediately because some alarms clear briefly and then come back. The rule
> I've written to handle this situation is the following:
> rule "Old Cleared Alarm?"
> timer(int: 10m 10m)
> salience -10
> when
> $a : Alarm(severity == "cleared")
> then
> double lastUpdate = minutesSince($a.getEventTime());
> if(lastUpdate > 60) {
> logger.debug("Alarm " + $a.getAlarmId() + " is old. Removing...");
> retract($a);
> }
> end
> Is there any other way to write this? I've found that I can't put the
> minutesSince($a.getEventTime()) in the rule's when-clause.

It's fine as you have it; it would not be evaluated correctly on the LHS.

But considering 2000000 events, if they were all Alarm, you'd have a
rate of 17800 events/hour, and so you'd have that many scheduled
agenda items.

What about the other timer rules for other Event types? Are there
similar scenarios?


> Thank you,
> Werner
> On Tue, May 29, 2012 at 8:10 AM, Wolfgang Laun
> <wolfgang.laun at gmail.com>wrote:
>> Just to make sure: How do you invoke the Engine? (I suppose you don't
>> call with a limit for rule firings.)
>> Unless it's a bug (BTW: your Drools version is?), it's due to one or
>> more of your rules.
>> Are you using timers? How?
>> A detailed investigation of the whereabouts of these
>> ScheduledAgendaItem objects might be done by investigating (via the
>> unstable API) the Agenda and its various components.
>> -W
>> On 28/05/2012, Werner Stoop <wstoop at gmail.com> wrote:
>> > Hi,
>> >
>> > We're using Drools with a StatefulKnowledgeSession to process events
>> coming
>> > from equipment in our network. The system draws conclusions about the
>> state
>> > of the equipment and writes those conclusions to a table in our
>> > database. All our rules work as we expected and the system produces the
>> > correct results.
>> >
>> > However, the memory usage of the JVM steadily goes up when the system
>> runs
>> > for extended periods of time until we start getting
>> > OutOfMemoryExceptions
>> > and the server has to be restarted. This is in spite of the fact that
>> > the
>> > fact count reported by
>> > the StatefulKnowledgeSession.getFactCount() stays reasonably stable,
>> > with around 30 000 facts (give or take) at any point in time.
>> >
>> > I have run the Eclipse Memory Analyzer tool
>> > (http://www.eclipse.org/mat/
>> )
>> > against heap dumps from the JVM several times now, and every time it
>> > reports more and more instances
>> > of org.drools.common.ScheduledAgendaItem referenced from one instance
>> > of
>> > java.lang.Object[]
>> >
>> > To be concrete, since this morning the uptime is more than 112 hours in
>> > total, during which the system has processed little over 2 000 000
>> > events
>> > from the network. It has 29 000 facts in the knowledge session, yet in
>> the
>> > heap dump we see 829 632 instances of
>> > org.drools.common.ScheduledAgendaItem.
>> >
>> > What is the ScheduledAgendaItem for? Is there something wrong with my
>> rules
>> > that causes this many instances to be held? Is there something I should
>> do
>> > to release these instances or the Object[] holding on to them?
>> >
>> > Thanks,
>> > Werner Stoop
>> >
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