[seam-dev] Javassist limitation?

Norman Richards orb at nostacktrace.com
Mon May 19 13:45:24 EDT 2008

On May 19, 2008, at 12:26 PM, Dan Allen wrote:

> So the decision for the future is to whether this is just the way life
> is going to be or whether we need to find a general approach to allow
> more fine-grained interceptor calls. I doubt that JBoss AOP is the
> only library that solves this problem. I have no doubt the Spring guys
> will just love to kick us over this issue (given that AspectJ can
> handle it). One response is that simplicity is better.

I really don't see it as that big of a deal.  Seam needs to apply it's  
processing when control passes into and out of the component.  We  
don't need, for example, to do injection on every internal method  
call.  (though I'll be honest here, I still don't see why we chose to  
do this through injection rather than through contextually-ware  
proxies)   It's much more of a deal for EJB3-style tx/security  
controls.  (then again, we do those now, so...)

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