[seam-dev] Re: Seam 2.1.0.GA testing on AS 5 CR2 status

jbalunas at redhat.com jbalunas at redhat.com
Sun Oct 19 10:10:50 EDT 2008

Jay Balunas

tech4j at gmail.com
jbalunas at jboss.org

On Oct 19, 2008, at 8:00 AM, Pete Muir <pmuir at redhat.com> wrote:

> On 19 Oct 2008, at 11:20, Pete Muir wrote:
>> On 19 Oct 2008, at 01:05, Jay Balunas wrote:
>>> I wanted to provide a status on the testing of Seam 2.1.0.GA on AS  
>>> 5 CR2.  I believe these issues are a mixture of Seam and AS 5  
>>> issues.  Please review and let me know what you think.
>>> I have a couple of examples and seam-gen testing to complete.  I  
>>> will also be doing a spot check on windows, and with jdk5.
>>> Thanks,
>>> Jay
>>> So far I have tested only with JDK6 on Fedora 8.  I can provide  
>>> additional details for most of these if needed.
>>> * Blog example
>>> - When I deploy the blog example I get the exception below.
>>> - "Caused by: org.hibernate.cache.NoCachingEnabledException:  
>>> Second-level cache is not enabled for usage  
>>> [hibernate.cache.use_second_level_cache |  
>>> hibernate.cache.use_query_cache]"
>>> - Made several changes that I reviewed with Pete, Norman.
>>> - Still getting this issue with these changes.
>>> - Waiting to hear from Stan on this.
>>> - Should this be a JBAS or JBSEAM jira?
>> Report this in JBSEAM for now, I will investigate.
> I would not expect the blog example to work in general, as it  
> deploys JBoss Cache 1.x whilst you need to use JBoss Cache 2.x with  
> JBoss 5. Norman, can you take a look adding a JBoss 5 target to the  
> blog example? In general, add those examples known not working on  
> JBoss 5 to the release notes.
I did attempt to update to Jboss cache 2.x with the upgraded jgroups  
jar as well.  I also added the correct entry in persistence.xml and  
updated the treecache.xml with the new jar names.   However this was  
still happening.

> I removed the use of the query cache from seamdiscs.

I saw that change - afaik Norman has not updated the tag yet so we  
should get that as well :-)

>>> * GroovyBooking example
>>> - JBSEAM-3579
>>> - Getting the sql error below.  Jozef also saw this with Seam  
>>> 2.0.3.CR2 on AS 5 CR2
>>> - Caused by: java.sql.SQLException: Violation of unique constraint  
>>> SYS_PK_49: duplicate value(s) for column(s) $$
>>> - during import.sql import
>> Are you sure you have a clean data dir?
> Ok, this occurs because EJB3 is now deploying JPA for WARs  
> (persistence.xml in WEB-INF/classes/persistence.xml), so that  
> Hibernate gets started twice, and so import.sql is run twice. ALR,  
> is it correct that PUs get deployed from inside a war for EJB3?  
> Other EE5 containers don't do this.
>>> * JPA/Hiberante example are showing a ZipException on jboss-seam- 
>>> ui.jar
>>> - Entered JBAS-6107
>>> - Original issue JBAS-6076
>>> - Ales said that this should be fixed in trunk
>>> * Wicket undeploy exceptions
>>> - When undeploying the wicket example I see the following  
>>> exceptions:
>>> - I will enter a jira - although I am not sure if this is Seam or  
>>> AS related?
>>>  Caused by: java.io.IOException: Child not found jboss-seam-wicket- 
>>> booking.ear/lib/wicket.jar/org/apache/wicket/ 
>>> Application.properties for FileHandler at 21707409[path context=file:/ 
>>> jboss/projects/seam/2.1.0.GA/jboss-5.0.0.CR2/server/default/ 
>>> deploy/ real=file:/jboss/projects/seam/2.1.0.GA/jboss-5.0.0.CR2/ 
>>> server/default/deploy/]
>>>      at org.jboss.virtual.VFS.findChild(VFS.java:211)
>>>      at  
>>> org. 
>>> jboss. 
>>> virtual. 
>>> plugins. 
>>> vfs. 
>>> VirtualFileURLConnection. 
>>> resolveCachedVirtualFile(VirtualFileURLConnection.java:122)
>>>      at  
>>> org. 
>>> jboss. 
>>> virtual. 
>>> plugins. 
>>> vfs. 
>>> VirtualFileURLConnection. 
>>> getVirtualFile(VirtualFileURLConnection.java:144)
>>>      at  
>>> org. 
>>> jboss. 
>>> virtual. 
>>> plugins. 
>>> vfs. 
>>> VirtualFileURLConnection. 
>>> getLastModified(VirtualFileURLConnection.java:89)
>>>      ... 4 more
>> Please report in JBAS, with instructions to reproduce. Assign to  
>> Ales I think.
>>> * Spring example deployment exception
>>> - See spring_deploy_error.txt for listing
>>> - Persistence.xml is using "RESOURCE_LOCAL" and not define any  
>>> data source
>>>  - this works fine on other jboss versions.
>> Report in JBSEAM, assign to Mike Youngstrom
>>> * SeamSpace example
>>> - I believe two separate issues found
>>> - 1) If you click on "create user" or "create role" twice you get  
>>> the following exception:
>>>  - IllegalStateException: begin method invoked from a long-running  
>>> conversation, try using @Begin(join=true) on method: createRole
>>> - 2) When adjusting security settings either on images, or users/ 
>>> roles the tables are empty
>>>  - The application still functions as it should so this is  
>>> probably an issue with view not the data
>>> * itext example
>>> - When you attempt to access the example you see a 404 not found  
>>> page.
>>> - This may be fixed by the changes that Pete did for AS 5 -  
>>> JBSEAM-3575
>>> - This may also be related to hotdeploy changes in Seam - need to  
>>> wait for new tag to test
>>> - See the attached itext_error.txt for output.
>> Just try AS5 trunk, Ales upgraded to the seam-int which contains  
>> the fix.
>>> * Can't deploy 2 Seam Applications
>>> - javax.management.InstanceAlreadyExistsException:  
>>> jboss.j2ee:jar=jboss-seam.jar,service=EJB3 already registered.
>>> - See full stack trace in 2_seam_app.txt
>>> - I believe we have seen this, but I was not able to find the jira
>> Stan assigned this to Carlo
>>> Minor or Known issues:
>>> ----------------------
>>> * EntityManagerFactory Issue with AS 5 CR1 effects several examples
>>> - dvdstore, contactlist, quartz, others...
>>> - Followed workaround here
>>>  - http://www.jboss.com/index.html?module=bb&op=viewtopic&t=142385&start=-10
>>> - Also needed to add the following to the persistence.xml
>>>  -<property name="hibernate.transaction.manager_lookup_class"  
>>> value="org.hibernate.transaction.JBossTransactionManagerLookup"/>
>>>  - I believe this is a side effect of the workaround
> This one is a major PITA.... https://jira.jboss.org/jira/browse/JBAS-6093
>>> * "Welcome to Seam null" shows in nearly every example when  
>>> deployed.  I have also seen "Welcome to Seam 5.0.0.CR2" in cases.
>>> - Adrian fixed this for AS 5 GA
>>> * Excessive logging for every request of seam - JBSEAM-3575 entered
>>>  14:51:54,551 INFO [Initialization] Installing components...
>>>  14:51:54,551 INFO [Initialization] done redeploying
>>>  14:51:55,293 INFO [Initialization] redeploying
>>> - Pete fixed this in AS 5 trunk and should be in AS 5 GA
> It's in AS5 trunk now.
>>> * Paths/links in the booking examples popup details are out of date.
>>> - Will report but this is minor
>>> <2_seam_app.txt><itext_error.txt><wicket_undeploy_errortxt>
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