[seam-dev] SEAMINTL-27

José Rodolfo Carrijo de Freitas jose.freitas at softplan.com.br
Thu Mar 3 07:00:33 EST 2011

Morning guys,


I’m working at the issue https://issues.jboss.org/browse/SEAMINTL-27 and the
problem here is caused by an optional dependency.





So, I was talking with ken, and there´re two suggested approaches:

1.	Mark the implementation classes that use joda-time with @Veto and
require the developer to override that setting through XML Config if they
want to use them
2.	Mark the set of JDK dateTime and joda-time classes as two
Alternative options and require the developer to specify which one to use.

What option do you think is the better approach? Do you have any other idea?

Either way we require the developer to say what he wants to use, This could
be useful in some situations, but I guess that most of times, people just
want to use the feature regarding what seam uses in its back.

What do you think?




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