[teiid-designer-dev] General model questions

Barry Lafond blafond at redhat.com
Mon Aug 16 11:39:06 EDT 2010


Understanding the limitations and requirements of EMF is critical here. In order for our Virtual transformations to be able to "resolve" external "symbols" the "Source"'s are required to be fully created and saved. So whatever process you end up with will probably only work if it's done "sources-first", so to speak. 

We have plenty of parsing experience over in Modeshape land, and as long as you have an AST of some kind, hopefully you'll have everything you'll need to construct your models in the right order. 


----- Original Message ----- 
From: "John Doyle" <jdoyle at redhat.com> 
To: "teiid-designer-dev" <teiid-designer-dev at lists.jboss.org> 
Sent: Monday, August 16, 2010 9:09:51 AM GMT -06:00 US/Canada Central 
Subject: [teiid-designer-dev] General model questions 

I've got some rather basic questions on creating/editing models that I wanted to throw out there. 

In the changes I'm making to the WebService to Relational Importer, which is now the WSDL to Source Model Importer, I'm creating both physical models and views. I've his several bumps in the road along the way, all of which I've worked around to get an initial implementation in from of as many eyes as possible, but I would like to resolve them 'correctly' 

1) This question is kind of stupid, I pretty muck know what I'm doing is dumb. I'm parsing XSD to create procedures in a view model. I don't know how many procedures or what the params/results will will like until I'm done with the XSD. Currently, when the code recognized a token that's going to need a procedure, it adds on to the model, then when it recognizes a token that will require a parameter or result, it adds it to the model. What I've found is that when time comes to create the transformation, and I go back to the model to get the params, I don't find what I expect. The correct answer in this case is to hold it all in the parser and create the model objects all at the end, but more generally, should I expect that I can get the model objects I add to a ModelResource back from that resource before I have saved it? 

2) More generally, if I'm creating more than one model resource in the run of an importer, what is the right way to save my changes so that follow on actions only happen once? I seem to be triggering multiple runs of workspace build and PVDB creation. Is wrapping all of the saves in a single WorkspaceModifyOperation enough? 

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