[teiid-designer-dev] General model questions

John Verhaeg jverhaeg at redhat.com
Tue Aug 17 10:28:25 EDT 2010

On Aug 16, 2010, at 9:09 AM, John Doyle wrote:

> 1) What I've found is that when time comes to create the transformation, and I go back to the model to get the params, I don't find what I expect.  The correct answer in this case is to hold it all in the parser and create the model objects all at the end, but more generally, should I expect that I can get the model objects I add to a ModelResource back from that resource before I have saved it?

There must be something else going on here, because in general, yes, you should be able to retrieve what you've put in your model resource.  There are possibly some issues related to not having all dependencies, including external, setup in the container, but that scenario should at least produce errors.  Are you using the ModelContainer or a transient container?

> 2) More generally, if I'm creating more than one model resource in the run of an importer, what is the right way to save my changes so that follow on actions only happen once?  I seem to be triggering multiple runs of workspace build and PVDB creation.  Is wrapping all of the saves in a single WorkspaceModifyOperation enough?

I think the main issue here is probably the container.  You should really be using a transient container during the import and merge right before you save.  This is a pattern we've been following in a few importers, and I've just completed something similar in the DDL importer if you want a reference.


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