[teiid-dev] Exposing connector defined metadata to tooling.

John Doyle jdoyle at redhat.com
Thu Apr 22 17:31:25 EDT 2010

In hacking up a Google Spreadsheets prototype, I've arrived a solution for connector metadata that is the same as the Text File Connector's connector driven metadata solution.  I think an Amazon Simple DB solution lends itself to the same solution.  

For anybody not familiar, a user creates a text file describing the metadata of the text file, the connector consumes the metadata file and creates metadata for Teiid, which exposes a dynamic VDB from the connector's metadata.

Eventually someone will want to model these sources in Designer to federate and virtualize them.  For text files the user has to currently hand model.  We could create importers for the different text file representations for Text, Spreadsheets, Simple DB, etc.  Or, perhaps the connectors could expose the metadata that they provide to Teiid through a new API that a 'generic' connector metadata importer could consume?


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