[teiid-dev] Exposing connector defined metadata to tooling.

John Doyle jdoyle at redhat.com
Fri Apr 23 09:47:30 EDT 2010

----- "Ramesh Reddy" <rareddy at redhat.com> wrote:

> On Thu, 2010-04-22 at 17:31 -0400, John Doyle wrote:
> > We could create importers for the different text file
> representations
> > for Text, Spreadsheets, Simple DB, etc.  Or, perhaps the connectors
> > could expose the metadata that they provide to Teiid through a new
> > that a 'generic' connector metadata importer could consume?
> Actually, we need both.  +1 for both.
> We need a better support for for Text based data modeling. Teiid
> tooling
> support for this is sub par compared to other text importing tools.
> We
> should be able to point to a text file and try to guess the metadata
> and
> build the model/schema based on data contents. This is a feature
> missing
> in Teiid, which it should have had long time ago.

I agree with this, but this is a very tall order.  In my former job we had a text file metadata importer and it was a boat anchor around the neck of whoever owned it, mostly for QA.

> Based on the "Connector Metadata" feature, if we have a generic
> Connector based importer, it would be useful to provide metadata
> facilities for less complicated sources (or even as the first step).

It would certainly be easier.

> However to drive a intelligent UI, we may need to put in little more
> work. Also, note that this paradigm is a shift from current Designer
> approach. Currently Designer, first builds the metadata and then
> creates/attaches to the Connector. In this scenario, it would need to
> create the Connector first, metadata next.

It'a a paradigm shift, but I also see it as a nice migration path from a dynamic VDB to a more mature/full use of Teiid capabilities.  Let's say a user has a dynamic VDB with 3 connectors deployed for a year.  If they could create models from the deployed connectors, they could then just copy the joins from from their app into virtuals and have the views that they already use without much effort.  
> Ramesh..
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