[undertow-dev] How to do custom authentication?

Marc Boorshtein marc.boorshtein at tremolosecurity.com
Wed Oct 15 14:00:26 EDT 2014

Undertow team,

I'm trying to integrate our integration with JBoss into Wildfy 8.x.  Its a
reverse proxy that generates a token in a header that is then decoded and
the context is set.  It works in JBoss 7.x using a combination of a Valve
and a JAAS LoginModule but am struggling to figure out what the replacement
of the Valve would be.

Doing some googling I found
http://undertow.io/documentation/core/security.html but it doesn't point
out how to configure this without writing custom code to add mechanism to
the chain.  I found a stacktrace article about setting up a servlet
extension that creates the mechanism, but I don't feel like thats the
*best* solution.  When I did the JBoss 7 integration I used PicketLink's
SAML integration as an example but it looks like it isn't yet working for
Wildfly 8.x and won't work until 9?

I know this isn't a JBoss list but my post on the JBoss forums isn't going
anywhere so I thought I'd ask here.  If someone could point me to an
example (I usually start with an example of authenticating based on a
username in a header) I'd really appreciate it.


Marc Boorshtein
CTO Tremolo Security
marc.boorshtein at tremolosecurity.com

<marc.boorshtein at tremolosecurity.com>
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