[webbeans-commits] Webbeans SVN: r3268 - tck/trunk/impl/src/main/resources.

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Mon Jul 27 09:12:56 EDT 2009

Author: pete.muir at jboss.org
Date: 2009-07-27 09:12:56 -0400 (Mon, 27 Jul 2009)
New Revision: 3268

Initially split out behaviors, many more splits needed for what "accessible" means

Modified: tck/trunk/impl/src/main/resources/tck-audit.xml
--- tck/trunk/impl/src/main/resources/tck-audit.xml	2009-07-27 07:33:08 UTC (rev 3267)
+++ tck/trunk/impl/src/main/resources/tck-audit.xml	2009-07-27 13:12:56 UTC (rev 3268)
@@ -1654,8 +1654,16 @@
   <section id="5.1" title="Inter-module accessibility in Java EE">
-    <assertion id="a">
-      <text>Beans packaged in a certain Java EE module or library are available for injection, lookup and EL resolution to classes and JSP/JSF pages packaged in some other Java EE module or library if and only if the first module or library is required to be accessible to the other module or library by the Java EE platform specification.</text>
+    <assertion id="aa">
+      <text>Beans packaged in a certain Java EE _module or library are available for _injection_, lookup and EL resolution to classes and JSP/JSF pages packaged in some other Java EE module or library if and only if the first module or library is required to be accessible to the other module or library by the Java EE platform specification.</text>
+    </assertion>
+    <assertion id="ab">
+      <text>Beans packaged in a certain Java EE module or library are available for injection, _lookup_ and EL resolution to classes and JSP/JSF pages packaged in some other Java EE module or library if and only if the first module or library is required to be accessible to the other module or library by the Java EE platform specification.</text>
+    </assertion>
+    <assertion id="ac">
+      <text>Beans packaged in a certain Java EE module or library are available for injection, lookup and _EL resolution_ to classes and JSP/JSF pages packaged in some other Java EE module or library if and only if the first module or library is required to be accessible to the other module or library by the Java EE platform specification.</text>
     <assertion id="b">
@@ -1676,6 +1684,10 @@
     <assertion id="a">
       <text>A policy is never available for injection, lookup or EL resolution in a Java EE module or library that is not a bean deployment archive (a module or library with no beans.xml file).</text>
+    <assertion id="a">
+      <text>A policy is never available for injection, lookup or EL resolution in a Java EE module or library that is not a bean deployment archive (a module or library with no beans.xml file).</text>
+    </assertion>
     <assertion id="b">
       <text>Nor is a policy available for injection, lookup or EL resolution in every bean deployment archive. A policy must be explicitly enabled in every bean deployment archive in which the policy should be available for injection, lookup and EL resolution.</text>

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