[webbeans-dev] Revisions to the SPI

Gavin King gavin.king at gmail.com
Sat May 23 04:28:56 EDT 2009

I've finished updating the SPI to reflect some of the things we've
been discussing:

* Extensions are now injectable 11.5
* there are now subclasses of ProcessBean for different kinds of beans 11.5.7
* addBean() and addObserver() now fire events 11.2.7, 11.2.8
* I have clarified assignability for parameterized event types  11.3.1
* Event.removeObserver() 10.4.1
* Observer.notify() now returns boolean 10.2

>From my point of view, I would now be happy to submit the PFD, since
my list of critical issues is now exhausted.

So now's the time to:

* review the spec for errors!
* speak up if you have issues that have not been addressed!

Gavin King
gavin.king at gmail.com
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