August 2010 Archives by date
Starting: Sun Aug 1 02:55:49 EDT 2010
Ending: Tue Aug 31 12:23:11 EDT 2010
Messages: 610
- [weld-issues] [JBoss JIRA] Created: (WELD-576) Can't get produces bean instance from bean name
he youlin (JIRA)
- [weld-issues] [JBoss JIRA] Created: (WELDSERVLET-28) add beforeContextInitialized and other servlet event
he youlin (JIRA)
- [weld-issues] [JBoss JIRA] Resolved: (WELDX-114) Convert AutoProxy extension to use javassist
Stuart Douglas (JIRA)
- [weld-issues] [JBoss JIRA] Commented: (WELD-437) Use subclasses for interceptors and decorators
Pete Muir (JIRA)
- [weld-issues] [JBoss JIRA] Commented: (WELD-557) InjectionTarget methods called with a proxied instance
Pete Muir (JIRA)
- [weld-issues] [JBoss JIRA] Created: (WELD-577) Consider reading JSF scope/name annotations if present
Pete Muir (JIRA)
- [weld-issues] [JBoss JIRA] Created: (WELD-578) Weld Extension vs. Tomcat deployer in JBoss 6
Heiko Braun (JIRA)
- [weld-issues] [JBoss JIRA] Created: (WELD-579) @Observed generic events are not Decorated
Aslak Knutsen (JIRA)
- [weld-issues] [JBoss JIRA] Commented: (WELD-579) @Observed generic events are not Decorated
Aslak Knutsen (JIRA)
- [weld-issues] [JBoss JIRA] Updated: (WELD-579) @Observed generic events are not Decorated
Pete Muir (JIRA)
- [weld-issues] [JBoss JIRA] Created: (WELD-580) Around-Invoke Interceptors with wrong signature should cause DefinitionException
Aslak Knutsen (JIRA)
- [weld-issues] [JBoss JIRA] Updated: (WELD-580) Around-Invoke Interceptors with wrong signature should cause DefinitionException
Pete Muir (JIRA)
- [weld-issues] [JBoss JIRA] Commented: (WELD-580) Around-Invoke Interceptors with wrong signature should cause DefinitionException
Aslak Knutsen (JIRA)
- [weld-issues] [JBoss JIRA] Created: (CDI-5) 9.5.1 Around-Invoke Interceptor example have wrong signature
Aslak Knutsen (JIRA)
- [weld-issues] [JBoss JIRA] Updated: (WELD-576) User reports that resolution is rejecting Object.class as a valid type of a bean
Pete Muir (JIRA)
- [weld-issues] [JBoss JIRA] Commented: (WELD-576) User reports that resolution is rejecting Object.class as a valid type of a bean
Pete Muir (JIRA)
- [weld-issues] [JBoss JIRA] Commented: (WELDSERVLET-28) add beforeContextInitialized and other servlet event
Pete Muir (JIRA)
- [weld-issues] [JBoss JIRA] Closed: (CDITCK-120) Seems a bug in DependentContextTest
Pete Muir (JIRA)
- [weld-issues] [JBoss JIRA] Closed: (CDITCK-107) Registration of a custom implementation of the Decorator interface fails
Pete Muir (JIRA)
- [weld-issues] [JBoss JIRA] Closed: (CDITCK-116) Typo in dd-override-report.txt
Pete Muir (JIRA)
- [weld-issues] [JBoss JIRA] Closed: (CDITCK-134) Decorator not applied to a passivation capable bean
Pete Muir (JIRA)
- [weld-issues] [JBoss JIRA] Closed: (CDITCK-140) TCK uses cyclic @PostConstruct calls which is forbidden by JSR-250
Pete Muir (JIRA)
- [weld-issues] [JBoss JIRA] Closed: (CDITCK-143) Bug in SimpleBeanLifecycleTest
Pete Muir (JIRA)
- [weld-issues] [JBoss JIRA] Closed: (CDITCK-109) Rewrite all conversation tests to be remote JSF tests
Pete Muir (JIRA)
- [weld-issues] [JBoss JIRA] Closed: (CDITCK-114) Implement test for assertion 6.7.4 tb using a filter to check for the exception
Pete Muir (JIRA)
- [weld-issues] [JBoss JIRA] Closed: (CDITCK-121) Bug in BeanManagerTest
Pete Muir (JIRA)
- [weld-issues] [JBoss JIRA] Closed: (CDITCK-142) Bug in DependentContextTest
Pete Muir (JIRA)
- [weld-issues] [JBoss JIRA] Closed: (CDITCK-136) QualifierDefinitionTest.testDefaultQualifierForInjectionPoint() doesn't test qualifiers for Injection points.
Pete Muir (JIRA)
- [weld-issues] [JBoss JIRA] Updated: (CDITCK-170) TransactionalObserversTest uses bean managed transactions and cannot test propagation
Pete Muir (JIRA)
- [weld-issues] [JBoss JIRA] Updated: (CDITCK-168) extensions.processBean.ProcessBean event count issue
Pete Muir (JIRA)
- [weld-issues] [JBoss JIRA] Closed: (CDITCK-166) Test should be on the 1.0.1 exclude list: org.jboss.jsr299.tck.tests.context.application.ejb.ApplicationContextSharedTest.testApplicationScopeActiveDuringCallToEjbTimeoutMethod
Pete Muir (JIRA)
- [weld-issues] [JBoss JIRA] Closed: (WELDINT-2) Problems using WebBeans in multiple Applications (EARS)
Pete Muir (JIRA)
- [weld-issues] [JBoss JIRA] Closed: (WELDINT-48) Merge VFS3 changes
Pete Muir (JIRA)
- [weld-issues] [JBoss JIRA] Closed: (WELDINT-23) ProcessAnnotatedType not fired for Filter, Tag Library Listener, Servlet Listener and JSF Managed Bean
Pete Muir (JIRA)
- [weld-issues] [JBoss JIRA] Closed: (WELDINT-57) Better and easier control of WeldDiscoveryEnvironment methods
Pete Muir (JIRA)
- [weld-issues] [JBoss JIRA] Closed: (WELDINT-53) Singleton beans not recognized
Pete Muir (JIRA)
- [weld-issues] [JBoss JIRA] Closed: (WELDINT-10) Do not output input on WebBeansClassloadingDeployer sub-classes
Pete Muir (JIRA)
- [weld-issues] [JBoss JIRA] Closed: (WELDINT-55) BeanManager should be available in JNDI under java:comp/BeanManager
Pete Muir (JIRA)
- [weld-issues] [JBoss JIRA] Closed: (WELDINT-18) Ear Deployment fails
Pete Muir (JIRA)
- [weld-issues] [JBoss JIRA] Closed: (WELDINT-50) Create 6.0.0.Beta8 release for weld-int
Pete Muir (JIRA)
- [weld-issues] [JBoss JIRA] Closed: (WELDINT-60) JNDI context binding does not work properly for WARs with EJBs
Pete Muir (JIRA)
- [weld-issues] [JBoss JIRA] Closed: (WELDINT-19) Bind BeanManager to java:comp/BeanManager not java:app/BeanManager
Pete Muir (JIRA)
- [weld-issues] [JBoss JIRA] Closed: (WELDINT-54) Injection into EJB Interceptor classes does not occur
Pete Muir (JIRA)
- [weld-issues] [JBoss JIRA] Closed: (WELDINT-47) Create 6.0.0.Beta7_VFS3_int branch to merge VFS3 changes
Pete Muir (JIRA)
- [weld-issues] [JBoss JIRA] Assigned: (CDITCK-170) TransactionalObserversTest uses bean managed transactions and cannot test propagation
Pete Muir (JIRA)
- [weld-issues] [JBoss JIRA] Assigned: (CDITCK-170) TransactionalObserversTest uses bean managed transactions and cannot test propagation
Pete Muir (JIRA)
- [weld-issues] [JBoss JIRA] Commented: (CDITCK-171) Tests using JSF components must include JSF metadata
Pete Muir (JIRA)
- [weld-issues] [JBoss JIRA] Updated: (WELD-564) Migrate to Google Guava from google-collections
Marius Bogoevici (JIRA)
- [weld-issues] [JBoss JIRA] Work started: (WELD-564) Migrate to Google Guava from google-collections
Marius Bogoevici (JIRA)
- [weld-issues] [JBoss JIRA] Closed: (WELD-564) Migrate to Google Guava from google-collections
Marius Bogoevici (JIRA)
- [weld-issues] [JBoss JIRA] Created: (CDI-6) Clarify InjectionTarget method parameters
Jozef Hartinger (JIRA)
- [weld-issues] [JBoss JIRA] Closed: (WELD-546) Beans producing stuff have their proxies proxying the product
Pete Muir (JIRA)
- [weld-issues] [JBoss JIRA] Closed: (WELD-562) Thread safety issues in ContextualStoreImpl
Pete Muir (JIRA)
- [weld-issues] [JBoss JIRA] Closed: (WELD-552) CDI-API is leaking TestNG to everyone
Pete Muir (JIRA)
- [weld-issues] [JBoss JIRA] Updated: (CDI-7) Section 10.2, bullet 3, first paragraph contradicts the rest of the section
Pete Muir (JIRA)
- [weld-issues] [JBoss JIRA] Closed: (WELD-569) Change proxy CL to TCCL
Pete Muir (JIRA)
- [weld-issues] [JBoss JIRA] Assigned: (WELD-557) InjectionTarget methods called with a proxied instance
Pete Muir (JIRA)
- [weld-issues] [JBoss JIRA] Closed: (WELD-557) InjectionTarget methods called with a proxied instance
Pete Muir (JIRA)
- [weld-issues] [JBoss JIRA] Closed: (WELD-572) Process event implementations do casts without checking for null first
Pete Muir (JIRA)
- [weld-issues] [JBoss JIRA] Closed: (WELD-501) weldContainer.instance().select().iterator() contains null element
Pete Muir (JIRA)
- [weld-issues] [JBoss JIRA] Created: (WELD-581) Remove NamesStringBuilder, it's a pointless abstraction
Pete Muir (JIRA)
- [weld-issues] [JBoss JIRA] Commented: (CDI-8) Decorators are not applied to custom beans
Marius Bogoevici (JIRA)
- [weld-issues] [JBoss JIRA] Commented: (CDI-9) Interceptors are not applied to custom bean types
Marius Bogoevici (JIRA)
- [weld-issues] [JBoss JIRA] Work started: (CDITCK-170) TransactionalObserversTest uses bean managed transactions and cannot test propagation
David Allen (JIRA)
- [weld-issues] [JBoss JIRA] Commented: (CDITCK-170) TransactionalObserversTest uses bean managed transactions and cannot test propagation
David Allen (JIRA)
- [weld-issues] [JBoss JIRA] Commented: (CDITCK-170) TransactionalObserversTest uses bean managed transactions and cannot test propagation
David Allen (JIRA)
- [weld-issues] [JBoss JIRA] Commented: (CDITCK-170) TransactionalObserversTest uses bean managed transactions and cannot test propagation
Pete Muir (JIRA)
- [weld-issues] [JBoss JIRA] Resolved: (WELDX-122) Review GenericBeanExtension architecture once all features are done
Pete Muir (JIRA)
- [weld-issues] [JBoss JIRA] Closed: (WELDX-124) Allow generic producers to be a scope other than @Dependent
Pete Muir (JIRA)
- [weld-issues] [JBoss JIRA] Assigned: (WELDX-104) Provide an annotation scanner that can locate a particular annotation on a bean property
Pete Muir (JIRA)
- [weld-issues] [JBoss JIRA] Resolved: (WELDX-107) BeanImpl shoud be a public class
Pete Muir (JIRA)
- [weld-issues] [JBoss JIRA] Assigned: (WELDX-106) Add scanner for typed bean properties
Pete Muir (JIRA)
- [weld-issues] [JBoss JIRA] Resolved: (WELDX-104) Provide an annotation scanner that can locate a particular annotation on a bean property
Shane Bryzak (JIRA)
- [weld-issues] [JBoss JIRA] Closed: (WELD-542) Exception messages missing useful information: "Injection point has unsatisfied/ambiguous dependencies
Pete Muir (JIRA)
- [weld-issues] [JBoss JIRA] Closed: (WELD-222) Ensure all Weld dependencies are in Maven central
Pete Muir (JIRA)
- [weld-issues] [JBoss JIRA] Closed: (WELD-581) Remove NamesStringBuilder, it's a pointless abstraction
Pete Muir (JIRA)
- [weld-issues] [JBoss JIRA] Closed: (WELD-565) Unhelpful error message if observer message is annotated @Inject
Pete Muir (JIRA)
- [weld-issues] [JBoss JIRA] Updated: (WELD-437) Use subclasses for interceptors and decorators
Pete Muir (JIRA)
- [weld-issues] [JBoss JIRA] Updated: (WELD-577) Consider reading JSF scope/name annotations if present
Pete Muir (JIRA)
- [weld-issues] [JBoss JIRA] Commented: (WELD-566) SPI needs proxy services to support serialization/deserialization of proxies
Pete Muir (JIRA)
- [weld-issues] [JBoss JIRA] Updated: (WELD-8) Reduce reliance on invokeOnInstance by mapping against interfaces at deploy
Pete Muir (JIRA)
- [weld-issues] [JBoss JIRA] Closed: (WELD-443) Rewrite all beans to use builders and immutable objects
Pete Muir (JIRA)
- [weld-issues] [JBoss JIRA] Updated: (WELD-211) Tests which exercise an SPI implementation
Pete Muir (JIRA)
- [weld-issues] [JBoss JIRA] Assigned: (WELD-13) Switch to using a builder to make immutable bean objects
Pete Muir (JIRA)
- [weld-issues] [JBoss JIRA] Closed: (WELD-476) OutOfMemory Exception When Deploying (Bootstrapping) Single BDA with 621 classes
Pete Muir (JIRA)
- [weld-issues] [JBoss JIRA] Commented: (WELD-566) SPI needs proxy services to support serialization/deserialization of proxies
David Allen (JIRA)
- [weld-issues] [JBoss JIRA] Closed: (WELD-567) Weld should throw an exception if a resource producer field is defined with a scope other than @Dependent
Pete Muir (JIRA)
- [weld-issues] [JBoss JIRA] Work stopped: (CDITCK-170) TransactionalObserversTest uses bean managed transactions and cannot test propagation
David Allen (JIRA)
- [weld-issues] [JBoss JIRA] Resolved: (CDITCK-170) TransactionalObserversTest uses bean managed transactions and cannot test propagation
David Allen (JIRA)
- [weld-issues] [JBoss JIRA] Created: (CDITCK-172) Tests needed for transactional observers that initiate, commit or rollback transactions
David Allen (JIRA)
- [weld-issues] [JBoss JIRA] Resolved: (CDITCK-16) Tests for transactional observers are inconsistent
David Allen (JIRA)
- [weld-issues] [JBoss JIRA] Created: (WELD-582) Upgrade to Javassist 3.13
Pete Muir (JIRA)
- [weld-issues] [JBoss JIRA] Resolved: (WELD-544) Use org.jboss.spec.javax.interceptor instead of the current Interceptors 1.1 API artifact
Pete Muir (JIRA)
- [weld-issues] [JBoss JIRA] Assigned: (WELD-261) Tidy up OSGi exports
Pete Muir (JIRA)
- [weld-issues] [JBoss JIRA] Commented: (WELD-414) Make Weld docs available for JBoss AS 6
Pete Muir (JIRA)
- [weld-issues] [JBoss JIRA] Closed: (WELD-54) Add prduction to InjectionServices to allow container to inject constructor dependencies
Pete Muir (JIRA)
- [weld-issues] [JBoss JIRA] Updated: (WELDX-125) Support Just-In-Time Binding
Pete Muir (JIRA)
- [weld-issues] [JBoss JIRA] Assigned: (WELD-257) Formalize support for GAE including tests
Pete Muir (JIRA)
- [weld-issues] [JBoss JIRA] Closed: (WELD-489) Update the jsf dependency version in weld-api-bom to 2.0
Pete Muir (JIRA)
- [weld-issues] [JBoss JIRA] Created: (WELD-583) Transactional observer Arquillian tests will not deploy on JBoss AS
David Allen (JIRA)
- [weld-issues] [JBoss JIRA] Assigned: (WELD-583) Transactional observer Arquillian tests will not deploy on JBoss AS
David Allen (JIRA)
- [weld-issues] [JBoss JIRA] Commented: (WELD-583) Transactional observer Arquillian tests will not deploy on JBoss AS
Aslak Knutsen (JIRA)
- [weld-issues] [JBoss JIRA] Commented: (WELD-583) Transactional observer Arquillian tests will not deploy on JBoss AS
David Allen (JIRA)
- [weld-issues] [JBoss JIRA] Updated: (WELDX-126) BeanManagerProvider system does not function on Jetty
Lincoln Baxter III (JIRA)
- [weld-issues] [JBoss JIRA] Updated: (WELDX-126) BeanManagerProvider system does not function on Jetty
Lincoln Baxter III (JIRA)
- [weld-issues] [JBoss JIRA] Created: (WELDX-126) BeanManagerProvider system does not function on Jetty
Lincoln Baxter III (JIRA)
- [weld-issues] [JBoss JIRA] Created: (WELD-584) Documentation for Jetty Bean Manager JNDI configuration is out of date.
Lincoln Baxter III (JIRA)
- [weld-issues] [JBoss JIRA] Updated: (WELDX-126) BeanManagerProvider system does not function on Jetty
Lincoln Baxter III (JIRA)
- [weld-issues] [JBoss JIRA] Commented: (WELD-583) Transactional observer Arquillian tests will not deploy on JBoss AS
David Allen (JIRA)
- [weld-issues] [JBoss JIRA] Commented: (WELD-583) Transactional observer Arquillian tests will not deploy on JBoss AS
Aslak Knutsen (JIRA)
- [weld-issues] [JBoss JIRA] Resolved: (WELD-583) Transactional observer Arquillian tests will not deploy on JBoss AS
David Allen (JIRA)
- [weld-issues] [JBoss JIRA] Commented: (WELD-583) Transactional observer Arquillian tests will not deploy on JBoss AS
Aslak Knutsen (JIRA)
- [weld-issues] [JBoss JIRA] Created: (CDI-10) Add ability to access a bean instance from a proxy
Stuart Douglas (JIRA)
- [weld-issues] [JBoss JIRA] Resolved: (WELDRAD-14) Automate testing of archetypes
Martin Gencur (JIRA)
- [weld-issues] [JBoss JIRA] Updated: (WELDX-126) BeanManagerProvider system does not function on Jetty
Lincoln Baxter III (JIRA)
- [weld-issues] [JBoss JIRA] Updated: (WELD-584) Documentation for Jetty Bean Manager JNDI configuration is out of date.
Pete Muir (JIRA)
- [weld-issues] [JBoss JIRA] Updated: (WELDX-126) BeanManagerProvider system does not function on Jetty
Pete Muir (JIRA)
- [weld-issues] [JBoss JIRA] Updated: (WELD-584) Documentation for Jetty Bean Manager JNDI configuration is out of date.
Lincoln Baxter III (JIRA)
- [weld-issues] [JBoss JIRA] Commented: (WELD-584) Documentation for Jetty Bean Manager JNDI configuration is out of date.
Pete Muir (JIRA)
- [weld-issues] [JBoss JIRA] Commented: (CDITCK-165) Bug in org.jboss.jsr299.tck.tests.context.NormalContextTest # testSameNormalScopeBeanInjectedEverywhere
Pete Muir (JIRA)
- [weld-issues] [JBoss JIRA] Assigned: (CDITCK-169) PersistenceContextInjectionTest is using an invalid isOpen() call
Marius Bogoevici (JIRA)
- [weld-issues] [JBoss JIRA] Work started: (CDITCK-169) PersistenceContextInjectionTest is using an invalid isOpen() call
Marius Bogoevici (JIRA)
- [weld-issues] [JBoss JIRA] Work stopped: (CDITCK-169) PersistenceContextInjectionTest is using an invalid isOpen() call
Marius Bogoevici (JIRA)
- [weld-issues] [JBoss JIRA] Commented: (CDITCK-168) extensions.processBean.ProcessBean event count issue
Pete Muir (JIRA)
- [weld-issues] [JBoss JIRA] Created: (WELD-585) org.jboss.weld.util.reflection.Reflections.isAssignableFrom(Class<?>, Type[], Class<?>, Type[]) should require equal rawType
Pete Muir (JIRA)
- [weld-issues] [JBoss JIRA] Updated: (WELD-585) TypeSafeObserverResolver should use Reflections.matches
Pete Muir (JIRA)
- [weld-issues] [JBoss JIRA] Resolved: (CDITCK-94) Route serialization/deserialization through SPI
David Allen (JIRA)
- [weld-issues] [JBoss JIRA] Created: (WELDX-127) Get incontainer tests running
Pete Muir (JIRA)
- [weld-issues] [JBoss JIRA] Updated: (WELD-473) required meta-annotations for a qualifier specified differently in spec and API
Pete Muir (JIRA)
- [weld-issues] [JBoss JIRA] Created: (WELD-586) T and X are described the wrong way around on ProcessProducerMethod and ProcessProducerField
Pete Muir (JIRA)
- [weld-issues] [JBoss JIRA] Closed: (WELD-586) T and X are described the wrong way around on ProcessProducerMethod and ProcessProducerField
Pete Muir (JIRA)
- [weld-issues] [JBoss JIRA] Closed: (WELD-473) required meta-annotations for a qualifier specified differently in spec and API
Pete Muir (JIRA)
- [weld-issues] [JBoss JIRA] Commented: (WELD-455) @Observes(notifyObserver=IF_EXISTS) should be @Observes(receive=IF_EXISTS)
Pete Muir (JIRA)
- [weld-issues] [JBoss JIRA] Closed: (CDITCK-168) extensions.processBean.ProcessBean event count issue
Pete Muir (JIRA)
- [weld-issues] [JBoss JIRA] Closed: (CDITCK-169) PersistenceContextInjectionTest is using an invalid isOpen() call
Pete Muir (JIRA)
- [weld-issues] [JBoss JIRA] Closed: (CDITCK-165) Bug in org.jboss.jsr299.tck.tests.context.NormalContextTest # testSameNormalScopeBeanInjectedEverywhere
Pete Muir (JIRA)
- [weld-issues] [JBoss JIRA] Closed: (CDITCK-171) Tests using JSF components must include JSF metadata
Pete Muir (JIRA)
- [weld-issues] [JBoss JIRA] Created: (WELDX-128) GenericSignatureFormatError when deploying weld-extensions
Jozef Hartinger (JIRA)
- [weld-issues] [JBoss JIRA] Assigned: (WELDX-128) GenericSignatureFormatError when deploying weld-extensions
Pete Muir (JIRA)
- [weld-issues] [JBoss JIRA] Resolved: (WELDX-128) GenericSignatureFormatError when deploying weld-extensions
Stuart Douglas (JIRA)
- [weld-issues] [JBoss JIRA] Closed: (CDITCK-94) Route serialization/deserialization through SPI
Pete Muir (JIRA)
- [weld-issues] [JBoss JIRA] Closed: (CDITCK-170) TransactionalObserversTest uses bean managed transactions and cannot test propagation
Pete Muir (JIRA)
- [weld-issues] [JBoss JIRA] Closed: (CDITCK-16) Tests for transactional observers are inconsistent
Pete Muir (JIRA)
- [weld-issues] [JBoss JIRA] Updated: (CDITCK-172) Tests needed for transactional observers that initiate, commit or rollback transactions
Pete Muir (JIRA)
- [weld-issues] [JBoss JIRA] Closed: (WELD-544) Use org.jboss.spec.javax.interceptor instead of the current Interceptors 1.1 API artifact
Pete Muir (JIRA)
- [weld-issues] [JBoss JIRA] Closed: (WELD-561) Not intuitive error message: WELD-000069 An interceptor must have at least one binding, but Foo has none
Pete Muir (JIRA)
- [weld-issues] [JBoss JIRA] Closed: (WELD-583) Transactional observer Arquillian tests will not deploy on JBoss AS
Pete Muir (JIRA)
- [weld-issues] [JBoss JIRA] Closed: (WELD-455) @Observes(notifyObserver=IF_EXISTS) should be @Observes(receive=IF_EXISTS)
Pete Muir (JIRA)
- [weld-issues] [JBoss JIRA] Closed: (WELD-585) TypeSafeObserverResolver should use Reflections.matches
Pete Muir (JIRA)
- [weld-issues] [JBoss JIRA] Closed: (WELD-382) Move all classes which can be accessed by an integration to the SPI
Pete Muir (JIRA)
- [weld-issues] [JBoss JIRA] Closed: (WELD-485) ProcessAnnotatedType event should be run for types added through BeforeBeanDiscovery.addAnnotatedType
Pete Muir (JIRA)
- [weld-issues] [JBoss JIRA] Updated: (WELD-423) Make weld-numberguess-wicket run on GAE
Pete Muir (JIRA)
- [weld-issues] [JBoss JIRA] Updated: (WELD-206) Tests for OSGi bundle to ensure the correct bundle headers are generated
Pete Muir (JIRA)
- [weld-issues] [JBoss JIRA] Updated: (WELD-558) Performance Problem while using ApplicationScoped and/or SessionScoped Component in RequestScoped Bean
Pete Muir (JIRA)
- [weld-issues] [JBoss JIRA] Updated: (WELD-89) Performance hotspots
Pete Muir (JIRA)
- [weld-issues] [JBoss JIRA] Updated: (WELD-27) Consider using JBoss maven plugin, not ant for example builds
Pete Muir (JIRA)
- [weld-issues] [JBoss JIRA] Updated: (WELD-481) Debug-level summary
Pete Muir (JIRA)
- [weld-issues] [JBoss JIRA] Updated: (WELD-88) Scalability hotspots
Pete Muir (JIRA)
- [weld-issues] [JBoss JIRA] Updated: (WELD-85) Performance and Scalability regression testing
Pete Muir (JIRA)
- [weld-issues] [JBoss JIRA] Updated: (WELD-374) Provide sane toString() for classes
Pete Muir (JIRA)
- [weld-issues] [JBoss JIRA] Updated: (WELD-81) Add some smoke tests to core-test
Pete Muir (JIRA)
- [weld-issues] [JBoss JIRA] Updated: (WELD-405) Add manual verification process for GAE support to QA guide
Pete Muir (JIRA)
- [weld-issues] [JBoss JIRA] Updated: (WELD-416) Consider whether we should hold destroying the session context until all requests using it have ended
Pete Muir (JIRA)
- [weld-issues] [JBoss JIRA] Updated: (WELD-459) A final class interceptor or an interceptor class with a final method not detected as a definition error
Pete Muir (JIRA)
- [weld-issues] [JBoss JIRA] Updated: (WELD-560) Allow beans.xml to parsed outside of Weld
Pete Muir (JIRA)
- [weld-issues] [JBoss JIRA] Updated: (WELD-379) Use beans.xsd for validation of beans.xml
Pete Muir (JIRA)
- [weld-issues] [JBoss JIRA] Updated: (WELD-575) Definition/DeploymentExceptions thrown by an AnnotationModel are wrapped by a ComputationException
Pete Muir (JIRA)
- [weld-issues] [JBoss JIRA] Updated: (WELD-537) More details to WELD-000072 Managed bean declaring a passivating scope must be passivation capable.
Pete Muir (JIRA)
- [weld-issues] [JBoss JIRA] Updated: (WELD-84) Performance and Scalability Analysis and Testing
Pete Muir (JIRA)
- [weld-issues] [JBoss JIRA] Updated: (WELD-257) Formalize support for GAE including tests
Pete Muir (JIRA)
- [weld-issues] [JBoss JIRA] Updated: (WELD-361) Preventing reflection misuse
Pete Muir (JIRA)
- [weld-issues] [JBoss JIRA] Updated: (WELD-78) Review all code and comments for naming consistentcy with the spec
Pete Muir (JIRA)
- [weld-issues] [JBoss JIRA] Updated: (WELD-13) Switch to using a builder to make immutable bean objects
Pete Muir (JIRA)
- [weld-issues] [JBoss JIRA] Updated: (WELD-479) Detect circular dependencies in @Dependant scoped beans
Pete Muir (JIRA)
- [weld-issues] [JBoss JIRA] Updated: (WELD-580) Around-Invoke Interceptors with wrong signature should cause DefinitionException
Pete Muir (JIRA)
- [weld-issues] [JBoss JIRA] Updated: (WELD-86) Perform profiling for performance hotspots
Pete Muir (JIRA)
- [weld-issues] [JBoss JIRA] Updated: (WELD-261) Tidy up OSGi exports
Pete Muir (JIRA)
- [weld-issues] [JBoss JIRA] Updated: (WELD-422) Make weld-permalink run on GAE
Pete Muir (JIRA)
- [weld-issues] [JBoss JIRA] Updated: (WELD-407) Provide warnings if AnnotatedType is not sensible
Pete Muir (JIRA)
- [weld-issues] [JBoss JIRA] Updated: (WELD-91) Document a strategy for writing a unit test which guards against performance blackspots reoccurring
Pete Muir (JIRA)
- [weld-issues] [JBoss JIRA] Updated: (WELD-63) Create proper servlet lifecycle tests
Pete Muir (JIRA)
- [weld-issues] [JBoss JIRA] Updated: (WELD-26) Add database support to login example
Pete Muir (JIRA)
- [weld-issues] [JBoss JIRA] Updated: (WELD-53) Full review of built in Reflection layer
Pete Muir (JIRA)
- [weld-issues] [JBoss JIRA] Updated: (WELD-51) Extract Reflection layer into SPI to allow container to provide an enhanced (faster) impl
Pete Muir (JIRA)
- [weld-issues] [JBoss JIRA] Updated: (WELD-376) Callouts poorly formatted in HTML docs
Pete Muir (JIRA)
- [weld-issues] [JBoss JIRA] Updated: (WELD-32) Web Beans App Throws Exception In GlassFish v3 with Secutiry Mgr Enabled.
Pete Muir (JIRA)
- [weld-issues] [JBoss JIRA] Updated: (WELD-430) IllegalStateException not thrown when a delegate method is invoked outside of business method invocation
Pete Muir (JIRA)
- [weld-issues] [JBoss JIRA] Closed: (WELD-566) SPI needs proxy services to support serialization/deserialization of proxies
Pete Muir (JIRA)
- [weld-issues] [JBoss JIRA] Closed: (WELD-559) Update weld-parent to use https deployment of artifcats
Pete Muir (JIRA)
- [weld-issues] [JBoss JIRA] Commented: (WELD-466) Injected dependent Instance<?> aren't registered as dependents
Pete Muir (JIRA)
- [weld-issues] [JBoss JIRA] Commented: (WELD-549) Conversation propagated by default with h:link
Pete Muir (JIRA)
- [weld-issues] [JBoss JIRA] Closed: (WELD-401) Add getRemoteInterfaces() to EjbDescriptor
Pete Muir (JIRA)
- [weld-issues] [JBoss JIRA] Closed: (WELD-582) Upgrade to Javassist 3.13
Pete Muir (JIRA)
- [weld-issues] [JBoss JIRA] Closed: (WELD-281) add ForwardingELResolver to SPI
Pete Muir (JIRA)
- [weld-issues] [JBoss JIRA] Closed: (WELD-547) Javadoc for InjectionServices and InjectionContext
Pete Muir (JIRA)
- [weld-issues] [JBoss JIRA] Updated: (WELD-466) Injected dependent Instance<?> aren't registered as dependents
Pete Muir (JIRA)
- [weld-issues] [JBoss JIRA] Updated: (WELD-80) Passivation of stateful session beans results in a loss of reference to injected object
Pete Muir (JIRA)
- [weld-issues] [JBoss JIRA] Updated: (WELD-364) Remote EJB methods should be able to observe
Pete Muir (JIRA)
- [weld-issues] [JBoss JIRA] Updated: (WELD-539) Upgrade Weld examples to use shared Jetty/Tomcat plugins
Pete Muir (JIRA)
- [weld-issues] [JBoss JIRA] Updated: (WELD-545) Weld ingores class/stereotype in beans.xml for alternatives
Pete Muir (JIRA)
- [weld-issues] [JBoss JIRA] Updated: (WELD-507) Problems With Interceptors and Glassfish V3
Pete Muir (JIRA)
- [weld-issues] [JBoss JIRA] Updated: (WELD-491) Warn if CDI annotations are placed on classes that are not managed beans
Pete Muir (JIRA)
- [weld-issues] [JBoss JIRA] Updated: (WELD-556) Decorated Enterprise Bean can't be removed as it doesn't implement EnterpriseBeanInstance
Pete Muir (JIRA)
- [weld-issues] [JBoss JIRA] Updated: (WELD-484) Static observer methods should not go through bean resolution
Pete Muir (JIRA)
- [weld-issues] [JBoss JIRA] Updated: (WELD-480) If Reception.IF_EXISTS is used, a ContextNotActiveException should not be thrown if the bean which does the conditional observering belongs to an inactive context
Pete Muir (JIRA)
- [weld-issues] [JBoss JIRA] Updated: (WELD-554) org.jboss.weld.context.NonexistentConversationException can't be catched by a rule in web.xml
Pete Muir (JIRA)
- [weld-issues] [JBoss JIRA] Updated: (WELD-413) It is not possible to add identical beans through BeforeBeanDiscovery.addAnnotatedType
Pete Muir (JIRA)
- [weld-issues] [JBoss JIRA] Updated: (WELD-510) Support for Portlet 2.0
Pete Muir (JIRA)
- [weld-issues] [JBoss JIRA] Updated: (WELD-543) AbstractFacade.SerializationProxy attempts to serialize InjectionPoint
Pete Muir (JIRA)
- [weld-issues] [JBoss JIRA] Updated: (WELD-475) Setup / teardown conversation in WeldListener and not in the PhaseListener
Pete Muir (JIRA)
- [weld-issues] [JBoss JIRA] Updated: (WELD-59) Clustered WebBeans, no support for sessionscoped (and higher) replication
Pete Muir (JIRA)
- [weld-issues] [JBoss JIRA] Updated: (WELD-568) When overridden methods with covariant return types are intercepted, the result is a duplicate interceptor definition
Pete Muir (JIRA)
- [weld-issues] [JBoss JIRA] Updated: (WELD-579) @Observed generic events are not Decorated
Pete Muir (JIRA)
- [weld-issues] [JBoss JIRA] Updated: (WELD-538) Unsatisfied dependency in interceptor still checked for serialization, resulting in NPE
Pete Muir (JIRA)
- [weld-issues] [JBoss JIRA] Updated: (WELD-503) Weld is firing Process*Bean for all beans, not just enabled beans
Pete Muir (JIRA)
- [weld-issues] [JBoss JIRA] Updated: (WELD-398) Unable to run translator example with settings for cluster
Pete Muir (JIRA)
- [weld-issues] [JBoss JIRA] Updated: (WELD-574) ProxyFactory-generated proxies do not intercept overridden methods with covariant return types
Pete Muir (JIRA)
- [weld-issues] [JBoss JIRA] Updated: (WELD-492) Allow classes implementing Servlet, JSF and EJB interfaces to be Managed Beans
Pete Muir (JIRA)
- [weld-issues] [JBoss JIRA] Updated: (WELD-478) Tomcat dependencies are incomplete in documentation
Pete Muir (JIRA)
- [weld-issues] [JBoss JIRA] Updated: (WELD-571) Interceptors not working for dependent scoped beans when using InjectionTarget
Pete Muir (JIRA)
- [weld-issues] [JBoss JIRA] Updated: (WELD-469) Exception in normal mode for incompletly annotated custom scopes.
Pete Muir (JIRA)
- [weld-issues] [JBoss JIRA] Updated: (WELD-549) Conversation propagated by default with h:link
Pete Muir (JIRA)
- [weld-issues] [JBoss JIRA] Updated: (WELD-1) Add tests for multiple wars in an ear
Pete Muir (JIRA)
- [weld-issues] [JBoss JIRA] Updated: (WELD-458) Interceptor for lifecycle callback with binding type @Target({TYPE, METHOD}) not detected as definition error
Pete Muir (JIRA)
- [weld-issues] [JBoss JIRA] Assigned: (WELD-580) Around-Invoke Interceptors with wrong signature should cause DefinitionException
Marius Bogoevici (JIRA)
- [weld-issues] [JBoss JIRA] Closed: (WELDSERVLET-18) Fix war:inplace target for Tomcat for numberguess example
Pete Muir (JIRA)
- [weld-issues] [JBoss JIRA] Closed: (WELDSERVLET-25) BeanManager ELResolver should work even if JSF loads before Weld
Pete Muir (JIRA)
- [weld-issues] [JBoss JIRA] Closed: (WELDSERVLET-26) ServletWebBeanDiscovery should scan /META-INF/beans.xml
Pete Muir (JIRA)
- [weld-issues] [JBoss JIRA] Closed: (WELDSERVLET-17) mvn install in extensions/trunk/ fails
Pete Muir (JIRA)
- [weld-issues] [JBoss JIRA] Closed: (WELDSERVLET-19) Bind Manager to java:app/Manager on Jetty
Pete Muir (JIRA)
- [weld-issues] [JBoss JIRA] Closed: (WELDSE-13) Use the valditor's message in HelloWorld in SE Hello World Example
Pete Muir (JIRA)
- [weld-issues] [JBoss JIRA] Closed: (WELDSE-19) -Drun target isn't working for numberguess example (WB boots, but nothing happens, build completes)
Pete Muir (JIRA)
- [weld-issues] [JBoss JIRA] Closed: (WELDSE-21) Add new Weld() support for Java SE
Pete Muir (JIRA)
- [weld-issues] [JBoss JIRA] Closed: (WELDSE-15) Cannot provide command line parameter for Hello World SE Example
Pete Muir (JIRA)
- [weld-issues] [JBoss JIRA] Closed: (WELDSE-5) Modification to Weld Test to use SE Bootstrap
Pete Muir (JIRA)
- [weld-issues] [JBoss JIRA] Closed: (WELDSE-10) weld-se handles only one beans.xml.
Pete Muir (JIRA)
- [weld-issues] [JBoss JIRA] Closed: (WELDSE-11) @ThreadScoped in SE
Pete Muir (JIRA)
- [weld-issues] [JBoss JIRA] Closed: (WELDSE-14) mvn install in extensions/trunk/se fails
Pete Muir (JIRA)
- [weld-issues] [JBoss JIRA] Closed: (WELDSE-16) Interceptor support
Pete Muir (JIRA)
- [weld-issues] [JBoss JIRA] Closed: (WELDSE-18) Use BeforeShutdown event
Pete Muir (JIRA)
- [weld-issues] [JBoss JIRA] Closed: (WELDSE-17) Decorator support
Pete Muir (JIRA)
- [weld-issues] [JBoss JIRA] Closed: (WELDSE-1) Add as the Main-Class
Pete Muir (JIRA)
- [weld-issues] [JBoss JIRA] Closed: (WELDSE-12) Create a single jar file for Weld SE that includes all dependencies
Pete Muir (JIRA)
- [weld-issues] [JBoss JIRA] Created: (WELD-587) Exception happened when invalid session before ending Conversation with Post-Redirect-Get
Wang Liyu (JIRA)
- [weld-issues] [JBoss JIRA] Created: (CDITCK-173) Regenerate signature tests for CDI API 1.0-SP2
Pete Muir (JIRA)
- [weld-issues] [JBoss JIRA] Closed: (WELDX-127) Get incontainer tests running
Pete Muir (JIRA)
- [weld-issues] [JBoss JIRA] Closed: (WELDSERVLET-7) Revisit the way we bind BeanManager to JNDI in Tomcat.
Pete Muir (JIRA)
- [weld-issues] [JBoss JIRA] Closed: (WELDSERVLET-11) Support HA in Tomcat
Pete Muir (JIRA)
- [weld-issues] [JBoss JIRA] Closed: (WELDSERVLET-16) Use tomcat plugin to download and run servlet integration tests
Pete Muir (JIRA)
- [weld-issues] [JBoss JIRA] Closed: (WELDSE-4) Introduce JBoss Annotations for Annotation scanning
Pete Muir (JIRA)
- [weld-issues] [JBoss JIRA] Updated: (WELD-587) Exception happened when invalid session before ending Conversation with Post-Redirect-Get
Pete Muir (JIRA)
- [weld-issues] [JBoss JIRA] Updated: (WELDSE-9) Include plain Jar in distribution
Pete Muir (JIRA)
- [weld-issues] [JBoss JIRA] Updated: (WELDSE-25) Weld class should be easier to extend to introduce custom behavior, for example the ability to replace the ResourceLoader
Pete Muir (JIRA)
- [weld-issues] [JBoss JIRA] Updated: (WELDSE-22) Add support for onejar-maven-plugin
Pete Muir (JIRA)
- [weld-issues] [JBoss JIRA] Updated: (WELDSE-26) does not work with resources inside OSGI bundles
Pete Muir (JIRA)
- [weld-issues] [JBoss JIRA] Updated: (WELDSE-20) StartMain should support shutdown
Pete Muir (JIRA)
- [weld-issues] [JBoss JIRA] Updated: (WELDSE-24) RunnableDecorator incorrectly assumes >0 Runnable beans
Pete Muir (JIRA)
- [weld-issues] [JBoss JIRA] Updated: (WELDSE-23) Disable logging out of the box
Pete Muir (JIRA)
- [weld-issues] [JBoss JIRA] Updated: (WELDSE-8) Weld SE Numberguess is not running from the IDE
Pete Muir (JIRA)
- [weld-issues] [JBoss JIRA] Updated: (WELDSE-7) Split out user API for SE module, and move to the api project/BOM
Pete Muir (JIRA)
- [weld-issues] [JBoss JIRA] Updated: (WELD-609) weld-servlet-javadoc.jar missing
Pete Muir (JIRA)
- [weld-issues] [JBoss JIRA] Updated: (WELD-601) Injection into servlet Listeners on Tomcat standalone
Pete Muir (JIRA)
- [weld-issues] [JBoss JIRA] Updated: (WELD-606) Use shared library mode in Servlet containers, allowing packaging as a shared library mode
Pete Muir (JIRA)
- [weld-issues] [JBoss JIRA] Updated: (WELD-607) Support JPA on Tomcat, and use JPA TX management to support TX events
Pete Muir (JIRA)
- [weld-issues] [JBoss JIRA] Updated: (WELD-605) add beforeContextInitialized and other servlet event
Pete Muir (JIRA)
- [weld-issues] [JBoss JIRA] Updated: (WELD-602) bean discovery doesn't scan jar files
Pete Muir (JIRA)
- [weld-issues] [JBoss JIRA] Updated: (WELD-604) EL Literals not working in numberguess on Jetty or Tomcat.
Pete Muir (JIRA)
- [weld-issues] [JBoss JIRA] Updated: (WELD-599) Exception thrown by GAE local ode
Pete Muir (JIRA)
- [weld-issues] [JBoss JIRA] Updated: (WELD-600) Unable to deserialize Javassist proxy due to wrong classloader being used
Pete Muir (JIRA)
- [weld-issues] [JBoss JIRA] Closed: (WELD-598) Weld SE Numberguess is not running from the IDE
Pete Muir (JIRA)
- [weld-issues] [JBoss JIRA] Commented: (WELD-602) bean discovery doesn't scan jar files
Pete Muir (JIRA)
- [weld-issues] [JBoss JIRA] Closed: (WELD-602) bean discovery doesn't scan jar files
Pete Muir (JIRA)
- [weld-issues] [JBoss JIRA] Closed: (WELD-591) Include plain Jar in distribution
Pete Muir (JIRA)
- [weld-issues] [JBoss JIRA] Updated: (WELD-601) Injection into servlet Listeners on Tomcat and Jetty
Pete Muir (JIRA)
- [weld-issues] [JBoss JIRA] Updated: (WELD-459) Class-level interceptor for a final class or method-interceptor for a final method not detected as a definition error
Marius Bogoevici (JIRA)
- [weld-issues] [JBoss JIRA] Resolved: (WELD-459) Class-level interceptor for a final class or method-interceptor for a final method not detected as a definition error
Marius Bogoevici (JIRA)
- [weld-issues] [JBoss JIRA] Created: (CDITCK-174) ProcessObserverMethod Type parameters are inverted
Pete Muir (JIRA)
- [weld-issues] [JBoss JIRA] Updated: (CDITCK-174) ProcessObserverMethod Type parameters are inverted
Pete Muir (JIRA)
- [weld-issues] [JBoss JIRA] Created: (CDITCK-175) Tests from org.jboss.jsr299.tck.tests.interceptors.definition.broken.finalClassInterceptor should be separated
Marius Bogoevici (JIRA)
- [weld-issues] [JBoss JIRA] Updated: (CDITCK-175) Tests from org.jboss.jsr299.tck.tests.interceptors.definition.broken.finalClassInterceptor should be separated
Pete Muir (JIRA)
- [weld-issues] [JBoss JIRA] Closed: (WELD-503) Weld is firing Process*Bean for all beans, not just enabled beans
Pete Muir (JIRA)
- [weld-issues] [JBoss JIRA] Closed: (WELD-459) Class-level interceptor for a final class or method-interceptor for a final method not detected as a definition error
Pete Muir (JIRA)
- [weld-issues] [JBoss JIRA] Updated: (WELD-600) Unable to deserialize Javassist proxy due to wrong classloader being used
Pete Muir (JIRA)
- [weld-issues] [JBoss JIRA] Updated: (WELD-600) Unable to deserialize Javassist proxy due to wrong classloader being used
Pete Muir (JIRA)
- [weld-issues] [JBoss JIRA] Commented: (WELD-510) Support for Portlet 2.0
Pete Muir (JIRA)
- [weld-issues] [JBoss JIRA] Updated: (WELD-398) Unable to run translator example with settings for cluster
Pete Muir (JIRA)
- [weld-issues] [JBoss JIRA] Updated: (WELD-478) Tomcat dependencies are incomplete in documentation
Pete Muir (JIRA)
- [weld-issues] [JBoss JIRA] Updated: (WELD-507) Validator doesn't consider transitive closure of interceptors when validating
Pete Muir (JIRA)
- [weld-issues] [JBoss JIRA] Updated: (WELD-584) Documentation for Jetty Bean Manager JNDI configuration is out of date.
Pete Muir (JIRA)
- [weld-issues] [JBoss JIRA] Updated: (WELD-496) Examples named incorrectly in the Weld reference documentation
Pete Muir (JIRA)
- [weld-issues] [JBoss JIRA] Updated: (WELD-604) EL Literals not working in numberguess on Jetty or Tomcat.
Pete Muir (JIRA)
- [weld-issues] [JBoss JIRA] Assigned: (WELD-570) Partial export of javasisst from Weld breaks other javasisst clients
Pete Muir (JIRA)
- [weld-issues] [JBoss JIRA] Updated: (WELD-599) Exception thrown by GAE local code
Pete Muir (JIRA)
- [weld-issues] [JBoss JIRA] Resolved: (WELD-576) User reports that resolution is rejecting Object.class as a valid type of a bean
Pete Muir (JIRA)
- [weld-issues] [JBoss JIRA] Created: (WELD-613) The bean types of a session bean must not include remote business interfaces
Marius Bogoevici (JIRA)
- [weld-issues] [JBoss JIRA] Closed: (WELD-8) Reduce reliance on invokeOnInstance by mapping against interfaces at deploy
Pete Muir (JIRA)
- [weld-issues] [JBoss JIRA] Updated: (WELD-466) Injected dependent Instance<?> aren't registered as dependents
Pete Muir (JIRA)
- [weld-issues] [JBoss JIRA] Updated: (WELD-549) Conversation propagated by default with h:link
Pete Muir (JIRA)
- [weld-issues] [JBoss JIRA] Updated: (WELD-600) Unable to deserialize Javassist proxy due to wrong classloader being used
Pete Muir (JIRA)
- [weld-issues] [JBoss JIRA] Updated: (WELD-475) Setup / teardown conversation in WeldListener and not in the PhaseListener
Pete Muir (JIRA)
- [weld-issues] [JBoss JIRA] Assigned: (WELD-545) Weld ingores class/stereotype in beans.xml for alternatives
Pete Muir (JIRA)
- [weld-issues] [JBoss JIRA] Created: (CDITCK-176) Decorator Elements in beans.xml use <decorator> not <class>
Pete Muir (JIRA)
- [weld-issues] [JBoss JIRA] Updated: (WELD-466) Injected dependent Instance<?> aren't registered as dependents
Pete Muir (JIRA)
- [weld-issues] [JBoss JIRA] Updated: (WELD-475) Setup / teardown conversation in WeldListener and not in the PhaseListener
Pete Muir (JIRA)
- [weld-issues] [JBoss JIRA] Updated: (WELD-466) Injected dependent Instance<?> aren't registered as dependents
Pete Muir (JIRA)
- [weld-issues] [JBoss JIRA] Updated: (WELD-549) Conversation propagated by default with h:link
Pete Muir (JIRA)
- [weld-issues] [JBoss JIRA] Updated: (WELD-364) Remote EJB methods should be able to observe
Pete Muir (JIRA)
- [weld-issues] [JBoss JIRA] Updated: (WELD-580) Around-Invoke Interceptors with wrong signature should cause DefinitionException
Pete Muir (JIRA)
- [weld-issues] [JBoss JIRA] Updated: (WELD-469) Exception in normal mode for incompletly annotated custom scopes.
Pete Muir (JIRA)
- [weld-issues] [JBoss JIRA] Updated: (WELD-571) Interceptors not working for dependent scoped beans when using InjectionTarget
Pete Muir (JIRA)
- [weld-issues] [JBoss JIRA] Updated: (WELD-458) Interceptor for lifecycle callback with binding type @Target({TYPE, METHOD}) not detected as definition error
Pete Muir (JIRA)
- [weld-issues] [JBoss JIRA] Updated: (WELD-579) @Observed generic events are not Decorated
Pete Muir (JIRA)
- [weld-issues] [JBoss JIRA] Updated: (WELD-480) If Reception.IF_EXISTS is used, a ContextNotActiveException should not be thrown if the bean which does the conditional observering belongs to an inactive context
Pete Muir (JIRA)
- [weld-issues] [JBoss JIRA] Updated: (WELD-554) org.jboss.weld.context.NonexistentConversationException can't be catched by a rule in web.xml
Pete Muir (JIRA)
- [weld-issues] [JBoss JIRA] Updated: (WELD-556) Decorated Enterprise Bean can't be removed as it doesn't implement EnterpriseBeanInstance
Pete Muir (JIRA)
- [weld-issues] [JBoss JIRA] Updated: (WELD-430) IllegalStateException not thrown when a delegate method is invoked outside of business method invocation
Pete Muir (JIRA)
- [weld-issues] [JBoss JIRA] Updated: (WELD-479) Detect circular dependencies in @Dependant scoped beans
Pete Muir (JIRA)
- [weld-issues] [JBoss JIRA] Issue Comment Edited: (WELD-579) @Observed generic events are not Decorated
Aslak Knutsen (JIRA)
- [weld-issues] [JBoss JIRA] Closed: (WELD-545) Weld ingores class/stereotype in beans.xml for alternatives
Pete Muir (JIRA)
- [weld-issues] [JBoss JIRA] Commented: (WELD-374) Provide sane toString() for classes
Pete Muir (JIRA)
- [weld-issues] [JBoss JIRA] Commented: (WELD-364) Remote EJB methods should be able to observe
Pete Muir (JIRA)
- [weld-issues] [JBoss JIRA] Closed: (WELD-480) If Reception.IF_EXISTS is used, a ContextNotActiveException should not be thrown if the bean which does the conditional observering belongs to an inactive context
Pete Muir (JIRA)
- [weld-issues] [JBoss JIRA] Reopened: (WELD-603) error during shutdown on Jetty: no class org.apache.AnnotationProcessor
Pete Muir (JIRA)
- [weld-issues] [JBoss JIRA] Reopened: (WELD-610) Use tomcat plugin to download and run servlet integration tests
Pete Muir (JIRA)
- [weld-issues] [JBoss JIRA] Closed: (WELD-612) Add as the Main-Class
Pete Muir (JIRA)
- [weld-issues] [JBoss JIRA] Reopened: (WELD-611) weld-se handles only one beans.xml.
Pete Muir (JIRA)
- [weld-issues] [JBoss JIRA] Reopened: (WELD-612) Add as the Main-Class
Pete Muir (JIRA)
- [weld-issues] [JBoss JIRA] Closed: (WELD-611) weld-se handles only one beans.xml.
Pete Muir (JIRA)
- [weld-issues] [JBoss JIRA] Reopened: (WELD-608) Revisit the way we bind BeanManager to JNDI in Tomcat.
Pete Muir (JIRA)
- [weld-issues] [JBoss JIRA] Issue Comment Edited: (WELD-608) Revisit the way we bind BeanManager to JNDI in Tomcat.
Pete Muir (JIRA)
- [weld-issues] [JBoss JIRA] Closed: (WELD-610) Use tomcat plugin to download and run servlet integration tests
Pete Muir (JIRA)
- [weld-issues] [JBoss JIRA] Reopened: (WELD-598) Weld SE Numberguess is not running from the IDE
Pete Muir (JIRA)
- [weld-issues] [JBoss JIRA] Closed: (WELD-598) Weld SE Numberguess is not running from the IDE
Pete Muir (JIRA)
- [weld-issues] [JBoss JIRA] Reopened: (WELD-503) Weld is firing Process*Bean for all beans, not just enabled beans
Pete Muir (JIRA)
- [weld-issues] [JBoss JIRA] Closed: (WELD-608) Revisit the way we bind BeanManager to JNDI in Tomcat.
Pete Muir (JIRA)
- [weld-issues] [JBoss JIRA] Closed: (WELD-603) error during shutdown on Jetty: no class org.apache.AnnotationProcessor
Pete Muir (JIRA)
- [weld-issues] [JBoss JIRA] Reopened: (WELD-459) Class-level interceptor for a final class or method-interceptor for a final method not detected as a definition error
Pete Muir (JIRA)
- [weld-issues] [JBoss JIRA] Closed: (WELD-503) Weld is firing Process*Bean for all beans, not just enabled beans
Pete Muir (JIRA)
- [weld-issues] [JBoss JIRA] Closed: (WELD-459) Class-level interceptor for a final class or method-interceptor for a final method not detected as a definition error
Pete Muir (JIRA)
- [weld-issues] [JBoss JIRA] Closed: (WELD-576) User reports that resolution is rejecting Object.class as a valid type of a bean
Pete Muir (JIRA)
- [weld-issues] [JBoss JIRA] Commented: (WELD-210) Support serialization of the metamodel
Pete Muir (JIRA)
- [weld-issues] [JBoss JIRA] Closed: (WELD-555) Pluggable validation
Pete Muir (JIRA)
- [weld-issues] [JBoss JIRA] Created: (WELD-614) Scalability problem with class framework APIs
David Allen (JIRA)
- [weld-issues] [JBoss JIRA] Created: (WELD-615) Change proxy CL to TCCL in default ProxyServices implementation
David Allen (JIRA)
- [weld-issues] [JBoss JIRA] Commented: (WELD-615) Change proxy CL to TCCL in default ProxyServices implementation
Pete Muir (JIRA)
- [weld-issues] [JBoss JIRA] Created: (CDITCK-177) EnterpriseBeanNotDiscoveredAsManagedBeanTest is invalid
Pete Muir (JIRA)
- [weld-issues] [JBoss JIRA] Created: (WELD-616) Weld fails on Google AppEngine, javassist.NotFoundException: javax.servlet.http.HttpSession
Aslak Knutsen (JIRA)
- [weld-issues] [JBoss JIRA] Commented: (WELD-575) Definition/DeploymentExceptions thrown by an AnnotationModel are wrapped by a ComputationException
Pete Muir (JIRA)
- [weld-issues] [JBoss JIRA] Updated: (WELD-26) Add database support to login example
Pete Muir (JIRA)
- [weld-issues] [JBoss JIRA] Commented: (WELD-615) Change proxy CL to TCCL in default ProxyServices implementation
David Allen (JIRA)
- [weld-issues] [JBoss JIRA] Closed: (WELD-492) Allow classes implementing Servlet, JSF and EJB interfaces to be Managed Beans
Pete Muir (JIRA)
- [weld-issues] [JBoss JIRA] Closed: (WELD-584) Documentation for Jetty Bean Manager JNDI configuration is out of date.
Pete Muir (JIRA)
- [weld-issues] [JBoss JIRA] Created: (WELD-617) Can not find beans when deploying compressed Archive to Tomcat
Aslak Knutsen (JIRA)
- [weld-issues] [JBoss JIRA] Closed: (WELD-615) Change proxy CL to TCCL in default ProxyServices implementation
Pete Muir (JIRA)
- [weld-issues] [JBoss JIRA] Closed: (WELD-584) Documentation for Jetty Bean Manager JNDI configuration is out of date.
Pete Muir (JIRA)
- [weld-issues] [JBoss JIRA] Reopened: (WELD-584) Documentation for Jetty Bean Manager JNDI configuration is out of date.
Pete Muir (JIRA)
- [weld-issues] [JBoss JIRA] Created: (CDI-11) cdi-api lists el-api as optional in pom, but is required by api
Aslak Knutsen (JIRA)
- [weld-issues] [JBoss JIRA] Assigned: (WELD-594) StartMain should support shutdown
Pete Muir (JIRA)
- [weld-issues] [JBoss JIRA] Closed: (WELD-593) Manual Shutdown in SE by Configuration
Pete Muir (JIRA)
- [weld-issues] [JBoss JIRA] Updated: (WELD-548) Reference guide references #{conversation}, not #{javax.enterprise.context.conversation}
Pete Muir (JIRA)
- [weld-issues] [JBoss JIRA] Updated: (WELD-388) Add more trace logging, and review all existing error messages for clarity
Pete Muir (JIRA)
- [weld-issues] [JBoss JIRA] Updated: (WELD-616) Weld fails on Google AppEngine, javassist.NotFoundException: javax.servlet.http.HttpSession
Pete Muir (JIRA)
- [weld-issues] [JBoss JIRA] Updated: (WELD-571) Interceptors not working for dependent scoped beans when using InjectionTarget
Pete Muir (JIRA)
- [weld-issues] [JBoss JIRA] Created: (WELD-618) Lifecycle observation swallows exceptions
Nicklas Karlsson (JIRA)
- [weld-issues] [JBoss JIRA] Closed: (WELD-618) Lifecycle observation swallows exceptions
Pete Muir (JIRA)
- [weld-issues] [JBoss JIRA] Updated: (WELD-560) Allow beans.xml to parsed outside of Weld
Pete Muir (JIRA)
- [weld-issues] [JBoss JIRA] Updated: (WELD-605) add beforeContextInitialized and other servlet event
Pete Muir (JIRA)
- [weld-issues] [JBoss JIRA] Updated: (WELD-592) Support use of decorator of Callable<T>
Pete Muir (JIRA)
- [weld-issues] [JBoss JIRA] Updated: (WELD-521) Introduce a way to exclude classes or packages from scanning
Pete Muir (JIRA)
- [weld-issues] [JBoss JIRA] Assigned: (WELD-592) Support use of decorator of Callable<T>
Pete Muir (JIRA)
- [weld-issues] [JBoss JIRA] Updated: (WELD-604) EL Literals not working in numberguess on Jetty or Tomcat.
Pete Muir (JIRA)
- [weld-issues] [JBoss JIRA] Updated: (WELD-609) weld-servlet-javadoc.jar missing
Pete Muir (JIRA)
- [weld-issues] [JBoss JIRA] Updated: (WELD-496) Examples named incorrectly in the Weld reference documentation
Pete Muir (JIRA)
- [weld-issues] [JBoss JIRA] Updated: (WELD-543) AbstractFacade.SerializationProxy attempts to serialize InjectionPoint
Pete Muir (JIRA)
- [weld-issues] [JBoss JIRA] Updated: (WELD-484) Static observer methods should not go through bean resolution
Pete Muir (JIRA)
- [weld-issues] [JBoss JIRA] Updated: (WELD-486) Ambiguous dependency when using a decorator
Pete Muir (JIRA)
- [weld-issues] [JBoss JIRA] Updated: (WELD-507) Validator doesn't consider transitive closure of interceptors when validating
Pete Muir (JIRA)
- [weld-issues] [JBoss JIRA] Updated: (WELD-466) Injected dependent Instance<?> aren't registered as dependents
Pete Muir (JIRA)
- [weld-issues] [JBoss JIRA] Updated: (WELD-600) Unable to deserialize Javassist proxy due to wrong classloader being used
Pete Muir (JIRA)
- [weld-issues] [JBoss JIRA] Updated: (WELD-556) Decorated Enterprise Bean can't be removed as it doesn't implement EnterpriseBeanInstance
Pete Muir (JIRA)
- [weld-issues] [JBoss JIRA] Commented: (WELD-609) weld-servlet-javadoc.jar missing
Pete Muir (JIRA)
- [weld-issues] [JBoss JIRA] Closed: (WELD-560) Allow beans.xml to parsed outside of Weld
Pete Muir (JIRA)
- [weld-issues] [JBoss JIRA] Created: (WELD-619) Weld-servlet should not include Slf4J bindings, this option should be left to the user
Marius Bogoevici (JIRA)
- [weld-issues] [JBoss JIRA] Updated: (WELD-619) Weld-servlet should not include Slf4J bindings, this option should be left to the user
Marius Bogoevici (JIRA)
- [weld-issues] [JBoss JIRA] Updated: (WELD-619) Weld-servlet should not include Slf4J bindings, this option should be left to the user
Pete Muir (JIRA)
- [weld-issues] [JBoss JIRA] Created: (WELD-620) Allow for setting up annotationProcessor reflectively on StandardContext (for Tomcat)
Marius Bogoevici (JIRA)
- [weld-issues] [JBoss JIRA] Commented: (WELD-605) add beforeContextInitialized and other servlet event
Pete Muir (JIRA)
- [weld-issues] [JBoss JIRA] Updated: (WELD-605) Give extensions access to the servlet context
Pete Muir (JIRA)
- [weld-issues] [JBoss JIRA] Updated: (WELD-605) Give extensions access to the servlet context
Pete Muir (JIRA)
- [weld-issues] [JBoss JIRA] Updated: (WELD-605) Give extensions access to the servlet context
Pete Muir (JIRA)
- [weld-issues] [JBoss JIRA] Closed: (WELD-548) Reference guide references #{conversation}, not #{javax.enterprise.context.conversation}
Pete Muir (JIRA)
- [weld-issues] [JBoss JIRA] Assigned: (WELD-484) Static observer methods should not go through bean resolution
Pete Muir (JIRA)
- [weld-issues] [JBoss JIRA] Work started: (WELD-484) Static observer methods should not go through bean resolution
Pete Muir (JIRA)
- [weld-issues] [JBoss JIRA] Updated: (WELD-609) weld-servlet-javadoc.jar missing
Pete Muir (JIRA)
- [weld-issues] [JBoss JIRA] Commented: (WELD-609) weld-servlet-javadoc.jar missing
Pete Muir (JIRA)
- [weld-issues] [JBoss JIRA] Closed: (WELD-486) Ambiguous dependency when using a decorator
Pete Muir (JIRA)
- [weld-issues] [JBoss JIRA] Created: (WELD-621) Write tutorial for pastecode for refguide
Pete Muir (JIRA)
- [weld-issues] [JBoss JIRA] Created: (WELD-622) Write tutorial for permalink for refguide
Pete Muir (JIRA)
- [weld-issues] [JBoss JIRA] Closed: (WELD-484) Static observer methods should not go through bean resolution
Pete Muir (JIRA)
- [weld-issues] [JBoss JIRA] Closed: (WELD-496) Examples named incorrectly in the Weld reference documentation
Pete Muir (JIRA)
- [weld-issues] [JBoss JIRA] Commented: (WELD-521) Introduce a way to exclude classes or packages from scanning
Pete Muir (JIRA)
- [weld-issues] [JBoss JIRA] Closed: (WELD-604) EL Literals not working in numberguess on Jetty or Tomcat.
Pete Muir (JIRA)
- [weld-issues] [JBoss JIRA] Created: (WELD-623) Ensure all Weld jars include the ASL in their META-INF/LICENSE.txt
Pete Muir (JIRA)
- [weld-issues] [JBoss JIRA] Closed: (WELD-507) Validator doesn't consider transitive closure of interceptors when validating
Pete Muir (JIRA)
- [weld-issues] [JBoss JIRA] Closed: (WELD-623) Ensure all Weld jars include the ASL in their META-INF/LICENSE.txt
Pete Muir (JIRA)
- [weld-issues] [JBoss JIRA] Created: (WELD-624) Create JBoss EAP profile for Weld examples
Pete Muir (JIRA)
- [weld-issues] [JBoss JIRA] Updated: (WELD-624) Create JBoss EAP profile for Weld examples
Pete Muir (JIRA)
- [weld-issues] [JBoss JIRA] Closed: (WELD-620) Allow for setting up annotationProcessor reflectively on StandardContext (for Tomcat)
Pete Muir (JIRA)
- [weld-issues] [JBoss JIRA] Created: (WELD-625) Local no-interface view EJB3.1 proxy requests superclass of EJB from container
Craig Ringer (JIRA)
- [weld-issues] [JBoss JIRA] Commented: (WELD-625) Local no-interface view EJB3.1 proxy requests superclass of EJB from container
Craig Ringer (JIRA)
- [weld-issues] [JBoss JIRA] Updated: (WELD-625) Local no-interface view EJB3.1 proxy requests superclass of EJB from container
Craig Ringer (JIRA)
- [weld-issues] [JBoss JIRA] Updated: (WELD-624) Create JBoss EAP profile for Weld examples
Pete Muir (JIRA)
- [weld-issues] [JBoss JIRA] Updated: (WELD-625) Local no-interface view EJB3.1 proxy requests superclass of EJB from container
Pete Muir (JIRA)
- [weld-issues] [JBoss JIRA] Updated: (WELD-619) Create JBoss5 version of weld-servlet
Pete Muir (JIRA)
- [weld-issues] [JBoss JIRA] Updated: (WELD-625) Local no-interface view EJB3.1 proxy requests superclass of EJB from container
Pete Muir (JIRA)
- [weld-issues] [JBoss JIRA] Updated: (WELD-625) Local no-interface view EJB3.1 proxy requests superclass of EJB from container
Pete Muir (JIRA)
- [weld-issues] [JBoss JIRA] Assigned: (WELD-556) Decorated Enterprise Bean can't be removed as it doesn't implement EnterpriseBeanInstance
Pete Muir (JIRA)
- [weld-issues] [JBoss JIRA] Work started: (WELD-556) Decorated Enterprise Bean can't be removed as it doesn't implement EnterpriseBeanInstance
Pete Muir (JIRA)
- [weld-issues] [JBoss JIRA] Commented: (WELD-625) Local no-interface view EJB3.1 proxy requests superclass of EJB from container
Craig Ringer (JIRA)
- [weld-issues] [JBoss JIRA] Created: (WELD-626) Methods inherited from java.lang.Object should not be intercepted
Marius Bogoevici (JIRA)
- [weld-issues] [JBoss JIRA] Created: (CDI-12) Specifically exclude methods inherited from java.lang.Object from the list of business method invocations
Marius Bogoevici (JIRA)
- [weld-issues] [JBoss JIRA] Work started: (WELD-466) Injected dependent Instance<?> aren't registered as dependents
Pete Muir (JIRA)
- [weld-issues] [JBoss JIRA] Assigned: (WELD-466) Injected dependent Instance<?> aren't registered as dependents
Pete Muir (JIRA)
- [weld-issues] [JBoss JIRA] Closed: (WELD-556) Decorated Enterprise Bean can't be removed as it doesn't implement EnterpriseBeanInstance
Pete Muir (JIRA)
- [weld-issues] [JBoss JIRA] Assigned: (WELD-619) Create JBoss5 version of weld-servlet
Pete Muir (JIRA)
- [weld-issues] [JBoss JIRA] Assigned: (WELD-619) Create JBoss5 version of weld-servlet
Pete Muir (JIRA)
- [weld-issues] [JBoss JIRA] Assigned: (WELD-626) Methods inherited from java.lang.Object should not be intercepted
Pete Muir (JIRA)
- [weld-issues] [JBoss JIRA] Closed: (WELD-625) Local no-interface view EJB3.1 proxy requests superclass of EJB from container
Pete Muir (JIRA)
- [weld-issues] [JBoss JIRA] Closed: (WELD-466) Injected dependent Instance<?> aren't registered as dependents
Pete Muir (JIRA)
- [weld-issues] [JBoss JIRA] Updated: (WELDX-130) Methods inherited from java.lang.Object should not be added to AnnotatedTypeImpl.methods
Marius Bogoevici (JIRA)
- [weld-issues] [JBoss JIRA] Created: (WELD-627) Clarify the implementation and usage of WeldClass.getWeldMethods, WelldClass.getDeclaredWeldMethods
Marius Bogoevici (JIRA)
- [weld-issues] [JBoss JIRA] Updated: (WELD-600) Unable to deserialize Javassist proxy due to wrong classloader being used
Pete Muir (JIRA)
- [weld-issues] [JBoss JIRA] Updated: (WELD-627) Clarify the implementation and usage of WeldClass.getWeldMethods, WelldClass.getDeclaredWeldMethods
Pete Muir (JIRA)
- [weld-issues] [JBoss JIRA] Updated: (WELD-600) Unable to deserialize Javassist proxy due to wrong classloader being used
Pete Muir (JIRA)
- [weld-issues] [JBoss JIRA] Closed: (WELDX-130) Methods inherited from java.lang.Object should not be added to AnnotatedTypeImpl.methods
Pete Muir (JIRA)
- [weld-issues] [JBoss JIRA] Closed: (WELD-543) AbstractFacade.SerializationProxy attempts to serialize InjectionPoint
Pete Muir (JIRA)
- [weld-issues] [JBoss JIRA] Created: (WELD-628) Allow extensions to be specified on the SPI
Pete Muir (JIRA)
- [weld-issues] [JBoss JIRA] Reopened: (WELD-620) Allow for setting up annotationProcessor reflectively on StandardContext (for Tomcat)
Marius Bogoevici (JIRA)
- [weld-issues] [JBoss JIRA] Resolved: (WELD-620) Allow for setting up annotationProcessor reflectively on StandardContext (for Tomcat)
Marius Bogoevici (JIRA)
- [weld-issues] [JBoss JIRA] Commented: (WELD-619) Create JBoss5 version of weld-servlet
Marius Bogoevici (JIRA)
- [weld-issues] [JBoss JIRA] Resolved: (WELD-619) Create JBoss5 version of weld-servlet
Marius Bogoevici (JIRA)
- [weld-issues] [JBoss JIRA] Resolved: (WELD-624) Create JBoss EAP profile for Weld examples
Marius Bogoevici (JIRA)
- [weld-issues] [JBoss JIRA] Created: (WELD-629) Full review of sub-module licenses for Weld and Examples
Pete Muir (JIRA)
- [weld-issues] [JBoss JIRA] Closed: (WELD-624) Create JBoss EAP profile for Weld examples
Pete Muir (JIRA)
- [weld-issues] [JBoss JIRA] Closed: (WELD-619) Create JBoss5 version of weld-servlet
Pete Muir (JIRA)
- [weld-issues] [JBoss JIRA] Created: (WELD-630) NPE thrown for client proxies, when the bean type set contains only interfaces
Marius Bogoevici (JIRA)
- [weld-issues] [JBoss JIRA] Resolved: (WELD-630) NPE thrown for client proxies, when the bean type set contains only interfaces
Marius Bogoevici (JIRA)
- [weld-issues] [JBoss JIRA] Created: (WELD-631) Change ProxyFactory to use the low level javassist API
Stuart Douglas (JIRA)
- [weld-issues] [JBoss JIRA] Created: (WELD-632) EMF Resource declaration in a static producer field of a Singleton EJB results in a null instance exception
Sivakumar Thyagarajan (JIRA)
- [weld-issues] [JBoss JIRA] Updated: (WELD-632) EMF Resource declaration in a static producer field of a Singleton EJB results in a null instance exception
Sivakumar Thyagarajan (JIRA)
- [weld-issues] [JBoss JIRA] Commented: (WELD-587) Exception happened when invalid session before ending Conversation with Post-Redirect-Get
Wang Liyu (JIRA)
- [weld-issues] [JBoss JIRA] Commented: (WELD-632) EMF Resource declaration in a static producer field of a Singleton EJB results in a null instance exception
Nicklas Karlsson (JIRA)
- [weld-issues] [JBoss JIRA] Closed: (WELD-631) Change ProxyFactory to use the low level javassist API
Pete Muir (JIRA)
- [weld-issues] [JBoss JIRA] Commented: (WELD-616) Weld fails on Google AppEngine, javassist.NotFoundException: javax.servlet.http.HttpSession
Pete Muir (JIRA)
- [weld-issues] [JBoss JIRA] Assigned: (WELD-632) EMF Resource declaration in a static producer field of a Singleton EJB results in a null instance exception
Pete Muir (JIRA)
- [weld-issues] [JBoss JIRA] Assigned: (WELD-628) Allow extensions to be specified on the SPI
Pete Muir (JIRA)
- [weld-issues] [JBoss JIRA] Work started: (WELD-632) EMF Resource declaration in a static producer field of a Singleton EJB results in a null instance exception
Pete Muir (JIRA)
- [weld-issues] [JBoss JIRA] Work started: (WELD-628) Allow extensions to be specified on the SPI
Pete Muir (JIRA)
- [weld-issues] [JBoss JIRA] Closed: (WELD-632) EMF Resource declaration in a static producer field of a Singleton EJB results in a null instance exception
Pete Muir (JIRA)
- [weld-issues] [JBoss JIRA] Created: (WELD-633) Weld-Servlet should expose its BeanManager via extensions BeanManagerProvider
Aslak Knutsen (JIRA)
- [weld-issues] [JBoss JIRA] Closed: (WELD-628) Allow extensions to be specified on the SPI
Pete Muir (JIRA)
- [weld-issues] [JBoss JIRA] Created: (WELD-634) Pastecode example home page is not accessible
Pete Muir (JIRA)
- [weld-issues] [JBoss JIRA] Assigned: (WELD-634) Pastecode example home page is not accessible
Pete Muir (JIRA)
- [weld-issues] [JBoss JIRA] Created: (WELD-635) Require EE injection to take account of AnnotatedType
Pete Muir (JIRA)
- [weld-issues] [JBoss JIRA] Assigned: (WELD-634) Pastecode example home page is not accessible
Stuart Douglas (JIRA)
- [weld-issues] [JBoss JIRA] Resolved: (WELD-634) Pastecode example home page is not accessible
Stuart Douglas (JIRA)
- [weld-issues] [JBoss JIRA] Closed: (WELD-634) Pastecode example home page is not accessible
Pete Muir (JIRA)
- [weld-issues] [JBoss JIRA] Resolved: (WELD-635) Require EE injection to take account of AnnotatedType
Pete Muir (JIRA)
- [weld-issues] [JBoss JIRA] Closed: (WELD-635) Require EE injection to take account of AnnotatedType
Pete Muir (JIRA)
- [weld-issues] [JBoss JIRA] Created: (WELD-636) Weld doesn't handle LRC properly when HttpSession is timeout or invalidate
Wang Liyu (JIRA)
- [weld-issues] [JBoss JIRA] Updated: (WELD-636) Weld doesn't handle LRC properly when HttpSession is timeout or invalidate
Pete Muir (JIRA)
- [weld-issues] [JBoss JIRA] Updated: (WELD-636) Weld doesn't handle LRC properly when HttpSession is timeout or invalidate
Pete Muir (JIRA)
- [weld-issues] [JBoss JIRA] Created: (WELD-637) Weld SE main class is incorrectly specified in documentation
Lincoln Baxter III (JIRA)
- [weld-issues] [JBoss JIRA] Updated: (WELD-637) Weld SE main class is incorrectly specified in documentation
Pete Muir (JIRA)
- [weld-issues] [JBoss JIRA] Resolved: (WELD-637) Weld SE main class is incorrectly specified in documentation
Pete Muir (JIRA)
- [weld-issues] [JBoss JIRA] Closed: (WELD-637) Weld SE main class is incorrectly specified in documentation
Pete Muir (JIRA)
- [weld-issues] [JBoss JIRA] Created: (WELD-638) Duplicate interceptor class definition
Cleverson Sacramento (JIRA)
- [weld-issues] [JBoss JIRA] Resolved: (WELD-638) Duplicate interceptor class definition
Marius Bogoevici (JIRA)
- [weld-issues] [JBoss JIRA] Commented: (WELD-638) Duplicate interceptor class definition
Marius Bogoevici (JIRA)
- [weld-issues] [JBoss JIRA] Created: (WELD-639) faces-redirect not working with non-transient converations and implicit navigation
Nicklas Karlsson (JIRA)
- [weld-issues] [JBoss JIRA] Created: (WELD-640) Weld Servlet should user custom ServiceLoader
Stuart Douglas (JIRA)
- [weld-issues] [JBoss JIRA] Created: (WELD-641) Thread safety issue in proxy serialisation
Stuart Douglas (JIRA)
- [weld-issues] [JBoss JIRA] Commented: (WELD-616) Weld fails on Google AppEngine, javassist.NotFoundException: javax.servlet.http.HttpSession
Aslak Knutsen (JIRA)
- [weld-issues] [JBoss JIRA] Resolved: (WELD-616) Weld fails on Google AppEngine, javassist.NotFoundException: javax.servlet.http.HttpSession
David Allen (JIRA)
- [weld-issues] [JBoss JIRA] Closed: (WELD-640) Weld Servlet should user custom ServiceLoader
Pete Muir (JIRA)
- [weld-issues] [JBoss JIRA] Created: (WELD-642) default @Named not derived correctly for ISO-8859-1 fields
Nicklas Karlsson (JIRA)
- [weld-issues] [JBoss JIRA] Commented: (WELD-642) default @Named not derived correctly for ISO-8859-1 fields
Pete Muir (JIRA)
- [weld-issues] [JBoss JIRA] Assigned: (WELD-574) ProxyFactory-generated proxies do not intercept overridden methods with covariant return types
Stuart Douglas (JIRA)
- [weld-issues] [JBoss JIRA] Resolved: (WELD-574) ProxyFactory-generated proxies do not intercept overridden methods with covariant return types
Stuart Douglas (JIRA)
- [weld-issues] [JBoss JIRA] Resolved: (WELD-568) When overridden methods with covariant return types are intercepted, the result is a duplicate interceptor definition
Marius Bogoevici (JIRA)
- [weld-issues] [JBoss JIRA] Closed: (WELD-620) Allow for setting up annotationProcessor reflectively on StandardContext (for Tomcat)
Pete Muir (JIRA)
- [weld-issues] [JBoss JIRA] Closed: (WELD-638) Duplicate interceptor class definition
Pete Muir (JIRA)
- [weld-issues] [JBoss JIRA] Closed: (WELD-630) NPE thrown for client proxies, when the bean type set contains only interfaces
Pete Muir (JIRA)
- [weld-issues] [JBoss JIRA] Closed: (WELD-616) Weld fails on Google AppEngine, javassist.NotFoundException: javax.servlet.http.HttpSession
Pete Muir (JIRA)
- [weld-issues] [JBoss JIRA] Resolved: (WELD-633) Weld-Servlet should expose its BeanManager via extensions BeanManagerProvider
Pete Muir (JIRA)
- [weld-issues] [JBoss JIRA] Closed: (WELD-641) Thread safety issue in proxy serialisation
Pete Muir (JIRA)
- [weld-issues] [JBoss JIRA] Closed: (WELD-574) ProxyFactory-generated proxies do not intercept overridden methods with covariant return types
Pete Muir (JIRA)
- [weld-issues] [JBoss JIRA] Closed: (WELD-568) When overridden methods with covariant return types are intercepted, the result is a duplicate interceptor definition
Pete Muir (JIRA)
- [weld-issues] [JBoss JIRA] Reopened: (WELD-633) Weld-Servlet should expose its BeanManager via extensions BeanManagerProvider
Pete Muir (JIRA)
- [weld-issues] [JBoss JIRA] Closed: (WELD-633) Weld-Servlet should expose its BeanManager via extensions BeanManagerProvider
Pete Muir (JIRA)
- [weld-issues] [JBoss JIRA] Created: (WELD-643) wrong redirect URL in long-running conversation
Dmitry Cherepanov (JIRA)
- [weld-issues] [JBoss JIRA] Updated: (WELD-643) wrong redirect URL in long-running conversation
Pete Muir (JIRA)
- [weld-issues] [JBoss JIRA] Updated: (WELD-644) WeldDeployer should ignore classes which cause ClassNotFoundException and NoClassDefFoundError
Pete Muir (JIRA)
- [weld-issues] [JBoss JIRA] Created: (WELDX-131) Extract API into separate module
Pete Muir (JIRA)
- [weld-issues] [JBoss JIRA] Commented: (WELD-645) Analyse bootstrap hotspots
Pete Muir (JIRA)
- [weld-issues] [JBoss JIRA] Created: (WELD-645) Analyse bootstrap hotspots
Pete Muir (JIRA)
- [weld-issues] [JBoss JIRA] Closed: (WELD-521) Introduce a way to exclude classes or packages from scanning
Pete Muir (JIRA)
- [weld-issues] [JBoss JIRA] Closed: (WELD-644) WeldDeployer should ignore classes which cause ClassNotFoundException and NoClassDefFoundError
Pete Muir (JIRA)
- [weld-issues] [JBoss JIRA] Commented: (CDITCK-137) org.jboss.jsr299.tck.tests.decorators.invocation.testChainedDecoratorInvocation.DecoratorInvocationTest
Gurkan Erdogdu (JIRA)
- [weld-issues] [JBoss JIRA] Created: (WELD-646) For recovering interceptors, proceed() must always pass through the rest of the interceptors in the chain.
Marius Bogoevici (JIRA)
- [weld-issues] [JBoss JIRA] Updated: (WELD-646) For recovering interceptors, proceed() must always pass through the rest of the interceptors in the chain.
Marius Bogoevici (JIRA)
- [weld-issues] [JBoss JIRA] Updated: (WELD-646) For recovering interceptors, proceed() must always pass through the rest of the interceptors in the chain.
Marius Bogoevici (JIRA)
- [weld-issues] [JBoss JIRA] Updated: (WELD-646) For recovering interceptors, proceed() must always pass through the rest of the interceptors in the chain.
Marius Bogoevici (JIRA)
- [weld-issues] [JBoss JIRA] Commented: (CDITCK-137) org.jboss.jsr299.tck.tests.decorators.invocation.testChainedDecoratorInvocation.DecoratorInvocationTest
Pete Muir (JIRA)
- [weld-issues] [JBoss JIRA] Closed: (CDITCK-137) org.jboss.jsr299.tck.tests.decorators.invocation.testChainedDecoratorInvocation.DecoratorInvocationTest
Pete Muir (JIRA)
- [weld-issues] [JBoss JIRA] Closed: (CDITCK-138) org.jboss.jsr299.tck.tests.lookup.injectionpoint.InjectionPointTest
Pete Muir (JIRA)
- [weld-issues] [JBoss JIRA] Updated: (WELD-646) For recovering interceptors, proceed() must always pass through the rest of the interceptors in the chain.
Pete Muir (JIRA)
- [weld-issues] [JBoss JIRA] Commented: (CDITCK-137) org.jboss.jsr299.tck.tests.decorators.invocation.testChainedDecoratorInvocation.DecoratorInvocationTest
Gurkan Erdogdu (JIRA)
- [weld-issues] [JBoss JIRA] Commented: (CDITCK-137) org.jboss.jsr299.tck.tests.decorators.invocation.testChainedDecoratorInvocation.DecoratorInvocationTest
Pete Muir (JIRA)
- [weld-issues] [JBoss JIRA] Commented: (CDITCK-137) org.jboss.jsr299.tck.tests.decorators.invocation.testChainedDecoratorInvocation.DecoratorInvocationTest
Pete Muir (JIRA)
- [weld-issues] [JBoss JIRA] Created: (WELDX-132) Automatically add @Any qualifier to beans created with BeanBuilder
Stuart Douglas (JIRA)
- [weld-issues] [JBoss JIRA] Commented: (WELD-286) jsf/permalink example fails with "identifier 'blog' resolved to null"
sreekanth manga (JIRA)
- [weld-issues] [JBoss JIRA] Created: (WELD-647) CLONE -jsf/permalink example fails with "identifier 'blog' resolved to null"
sreekanth manga (JIRA)
- [weld-issues] [JBoss JIRA] Created: (WELD-648) CLONE -jsf/permalink example fails with "identifier 'blog' resolved to null"
sreekanth manga (JIRA)
- [weld-issues] [JBoss JIRA] Closed: (WELD-648) CLONE -jsf/permalink example fails with "identifier 'blog' resolved to null"
Pete Muir (JIRA)
- [weld-issues] [JBoss JIRA] Updated: (WELD-648) CLONE -jsf/permalink example fails with "identifier 'blog' resolved to null"
sreekanth manga (JIRA)
- [weld-issues] [JBoss JIRA] Commented: (WELD-647) CLONE -jsf/permalink example fails with "identifier 'blog' resolved to null"
Pete Muir (JIRA)
- [weld-issues] [JBoss JIRA] Updated: (WELD-647) CLONE -jsf/permalink example fails with "identifier 'blog' resolved to null"
Pete Muir (JIRA)
- [weld-issues] [JBoss JIRA] Reopened: (WELD-648) CLONE -jsf/permalink example fails with "identifier 'blog' resolved to null"
sreekanth manga (JIRA)
- [weld-issues] [JBoss JIRA] Updated: (WELD-648) jsf/permalink example fails with "identifier 'blog' resolved to null"
Pete Muir (JIRA)
- [weld-issues] [JBoss JIRA] Commented: (WELD-648) jsf/permalink example fails with "identifier 'blog' resolved to null"
sreekanth manga (JIRA)
- [weld-issues] [JBoss JIRA] Closed: (WELD-647) CLONE -jsf/permalink example fails with "identifier 'blog' resolved to null"
Pete Muir (JIRA)
- [weld-issues] [JBoss JIRA] Commented: (WELD-648) jsf/permalink example fails with "identifier 'blog' resolved to null"
Pete Muir (JIRA)
- [weld-issues] [JBoss JIRA] Commented: (WELD-648) jsf/permalink example fails with "identifier 'blog' resolved to null"
Pete Muir (JIRA)
- [weld-issues] [JBoss JIRA] Commented: (WELD-648) jsf/permalink example fails with "identifier 'blog' resolved to null"
sreekanth manga (JIRA)
- [weld-issues] [JBoss JIRA] Updated: (WELD-648) jsf/permalink example fails with "identifier 'blog' resolved to null"
Pete Muir (JIRA)
- [weld-issues] [JBoss JIRA] Closed: (WELDX-132) Automatically add @Any qualifier to beans created with BeanBuilder
Pete Muir (JIRA)
- [weld-issues] [JBoss JIRA] Commented: (WELD-648) jsf/permalink example fails with "identifier 'blog' resolved to null"
sreekanth manga (JIRA)
- [weld-issues] [JBoss JIRA] Created: (WELD-649) Cannot find parent: org.jboss.weld.examples:weld-examples-parent for project
sreekanth manga (JIRA)
- [weld-issues] [JBoss JIRA] Updated: (WELD-649) Cannot find parent: org.jboss.weld.examples:weld-examples-parent for project
Pete Muir (JIRA)
- [weld-issues] [JBoss JIRA] Commented: (WELD-649) Cannot find parent: org.jboss.weld.examples:weld-examples-parent for project
sreekanth manga (JIRA)
- [weld-issues] [JBoss JIRA] Updated: (WELD-649) Cannot find parent: org.jboss.weld.examples:weld-examples-parent for project
sreekanth manga (JIRA)
- [weld-issues] [JBoss JIRA] Commented: (WELD-649) Cannot find parent: org.jboss.weld.examples:weld-examples-parent for project
Pete Muir (JIRA)
- [weld-issues] [JBoss JIRA] Commented: (WELD-649) Cannot find parent: org.jboss.weld.examples:weld-examples-parent for project
sreekanth manga (JIRA)
- [weld-issues] [JBoss JIRA] Closed: (WELD-649) Cannot find parent: org.jboss.weld.examples:weld-examples-parent for project
Pete Muir (JIRA)
- [weld-issues] [JBoss JIRA] Commented: (WELD-649) Cannot find parent: org.jboss.weld.examples:weld-examples-parent for project
sreekanth manga (JIRA)
- [weld-issues] [JBoss JIRA] Updated: (WELD-31) JBoss QE Runs WebBeans GlassFish Integration Tests
Pete Muir (JIRA)
- [weld-issues] [JBoss JIRA] Updated: (WELD-17) Brazilian Portuguese translation of Web Beans Reference Documentation
Pete Muir (JIRA)
- [weld-issues] [JBoss JIRA] Updated: (WELD-273) Add GlassFish targets to example POMs
Pete Muir (JIRA)
- [weld-issues] [JBoss JIRA] Updated: (WELD-303) The Weld Porting Package Impls provided by the TCK should support OSGI
Pete Muir (JIRA)
- [weld-issues] [JBoss JIRA] Updated: (WELD-498) A better way to specify the version than using the manifest
Pete Muir (JIRA)
- [weld-issues] [JBoss JIRA] Updated: (WELD-609) weld-servlet-javadoc.jar missing
Pete Muir (JIRA)
- [weld-issues] [JBoss JIRA] Updated: (WELD-570) Partial export of javasisst from Weld breaks other javasisst clients
Pete Muir (JIRA)
- [weld-issues] [JBoss JIRA] Updated: (WELD-446) Improve startup times
Pete Muir (JIRA)
- [weld-issues] [JBoss JIRA] Updated: (WELD-30) Include instructions in ref guide and readme's on how to run examples with GlassFish
Pete Muir (JIRA)
- [weld-issues] [JBoss JIRA] Updated: (WELD-617) Can not find beans when deploying compressed Archive to Tomcat
Pete Muir (JIRA)
- [weld-issues] [JBoss JIRA] Updated: (WELD-266) Create clustering (functional) tests from Seam examples
Pete Muir (JIRA)
- [weld-issues] [JBoss JIRA] Updated: (WELD-592) Support use of decorator of Callable<T>
Pete Muir (JIRA)
- [weld-issues] [JBoss JIRA] Updated: (WELD-588) RunnableDecorator incorrectly assumes >0 Runnable beans
Pete Muir (JIRA)
- [weld-issues] [JBoss JIRA] Updated: (WELD-642) default @Named not derived correctly for ISO-8859-1 fields
Pete Muir (JIRA)
- [weld-issues] [JBoss JIRA] Updated: (WELD-494) Add Arquillian test to the dist examples
Pete Muir (JIRA)
- [weld-issues] [JBoss JIRA] Updated: (WELD-358) InjectionPoint parameter on disposer method is null
Pete Muir (JIRA)
- [weld-issues] [JBoss JIRA] Updated: (WELD-589) does not work with resources inside OSGI bundles
Pete Muir (JIRA)
- [weld-issues] [JBoss JIRA] Updated: (WELD-388) Add more trace logging, and review all existing error messages for clarity
Pete Muir (JIRA)
- [weld-issues] [JBoss JIRA] Updated: (WELD-599) Exception thrown by GAE local code
Pete Muir (JIRA)
- [weld-issues] [JBoss JIRA] Updated: (WELD-622) Write tutorial for permalink for refguide
Pete Muir (JIRA)
- [weld-issues] [JBoss JIRA] Updated: (WELD-594) StartMain should support shutdown
Pete Muir (JIRA)
- [weld-issues] [JBoss JIRA] Updated: (WELD-522) Weld makes my Java SE app startup time >100x slower
Pete Muir (JIRA)
- [weld-issues] [JBoss JIRA] Updated: (WELD-520) Weld SE does not work in OSGI container's classloader (and lacks OSGI bundles by the way)
Pete Muir (JIRA)
- [weld-issues] [JBoss JIRA] Updated: (WELD-600) Unable to deserialize Javassist proxy due to wrong classloader being used
Pete Muir (JIRA)
- [weld-issues] [JBoss JIRA] Updated: (WELD-210) Support serialization of the metamodel
Pete Muir (JIRA)
- [weld-issues] [JBoss JIRA] Updated: (WELD-597) Weld class should be easier to extend to introduce custom behavior, for example the ability to replace the ResourceLoader
Pete Muir (JIRA)
- [weld-issues] [JBoss JIRA] Updated: (WELD-621) Write tutorial for pastecode for refguide
Pete Muir (JIRA)
- [weld-issues] [JBoss JIRA] Updated: (WELD-451) Allow including the cid in the url to be configurable
Pete Muir (JIRA)
- [weld-issues] [JBoss JIRA] Assigned: (WELD-439) conversation example
Pete Muir (JIRA)
- [weld-issues] [JBoss JIRA] Updated: (WELD-439) conversation example
Pete Muir (JIRA)
- [weld-issues] [JBoss JIRA] Updated: (WELD-493) Convert weld-core-tests test suite to use Arquillian
Pete Muir (JIRA)
- [weld-issues] [JBoss JIRA] Updated: (WELD-601) Injection into servlet Listeners on Tomcat and Jetty
Pete Muir (JIRA)
- [weld-issues] [JBoss JIRA] Commented: (WELD-595) Add support for onejar-maven-plugin
Pete Muir (JIRA)
- [weld-issues] [JBoss JIRA] Updated: (WELD-605) Give extensions access to the servlet context
Pete Muir (JIRA)
- [weld-issues] [JBoss JIRA] Updated: (WELD-595) Add support for onejar-maven-plugin
Pete Muir (JIRA)
- [weld-issues] [JBoss JIRA] Closed: (WELD-597) Weld class should be easier to extend to introduce custom behavior, for example the ability to replace the ResourceLoader
Pete Muir (JIRA)
- [weld-issues] [JBoss JIRA] Updated: (WELD-206) Tests for OSGi bundle to ensure the correct bundle headers are generated
Pete Muir (JIRA)
- [weld-issues] [JBoss JIRA] Updated: (WELD-211) Tests which exercise an SPI implementation
Pete Muir (JIRA)
- [weld-issues] [JBoss JIRA] Updated: (WELD-261) Tidy up OSGi exports
Pete Muir (JIRA)
- [weld-issues] [JBoss JIRA] Updated: (WELD-358) InjectionPoint parameter on disposer method is null
Pete Muir (JIRA)
- [weld-issues] [JBoss JIRA] Closed: (WELD-606) Use shared library mode in Servlet containers, allowing packaging as a shared library mode
Pete Muir (JIRA)
- [weld-issues] [JBoss JIRA] Resolved: (WELD-595) Add support for onejar-maven-plugin
Pete Muir (JIRA)
- [weld-issues] [JBoss JIRA] Closed: (WELD-63) Create proper servlet lifecycle tests
Pete Muir (JIRA)
- [weld-issues] [JBoss JIRA] Updated: (WELD-600) Unable to deserialize Javassist proxy due to wrong classloader being used
Pete Muir (JIRA)
- [weld-issues] [JBoss JIRA] Created: (WELD-650) Documentation issues
Jozef Hartinger (JIRA)
- [weld-issues] [JBoss JIRA] Updated: (WELD-650) Documentation issues
Jozef Hartinger (JIRA)
- [weld-issues] [JBoss JIRA] Created: (WELD-651) Functional tests for clustered numberguess application do not work
Jozef Hartinger (JIRA)
- [weld-issues] [JBoss JIRA] Created: (WELD-652) Remove JBoss AS update instructions from the ref guide, they no longer work consistently
Pete Muir (JIRA)
- [weld-issues] [JBoss JIRA] Updated: (WELD-653) Misc Documentation issues
Pete Muir (JIRA)
- [weld-issues] [JBoss JIRA] Created: (WELD-653) Misc Documentation issues
Pete Muir (JIRA)
- [weld-issues] [JBoss JIRA] Commented: (WELD-650) Documentation issues
Pete Muir (JIRA)
- [weld-issues] [JBoss JIRA] Updated: (WELD-653) Misc Documentation issues
Pete Muir (JIRA)
- [weld-issues] [JBoss JIRA] Updated: (WELD-650) Documentation issues
Pete Muir (JIRA)
- [weld-issues] [JBoss JIRA] Commented: (WELD-653) Misc Documentation issues
Pete Muir (JIRA)
- [weld-issues] [JBoss JIRA] Created: (WELD-654) Convert Numberguess example (Jetty in Eclipse) to use m2eclipse
Pete Muir (JIRA)
- [weld-issues] [JBoss JIRA] Closed: (WELD-653) Misc Documentation issues
Pete Muir (JIRA)
- [weld-issues] [JBoss JIRA] Created: (WELD-655) maven-jetty-plugin not configured correctly
Jozef Hartinger (JIRA)
- [weld-issues] [JBoss JIRA] Created: (WELD-656) Move new ConversationManager interface to public API
Pete Muir (JIRA)
- [weld-issues] [JBoss JIRA] Created: (WELD-657) Align instructions for running examples with Jetty
Jozef Hartinger (JIRA)
- [weld-issues] [JBoss JIRA] Created: (WELD-658) Remove the .settings folder from the translator example
Jozef Hartinger (JIRA)
- [weld-issues] [JBoss JIRA] Updated: (WELD-658) Remove the .settings folder from the translator example
Jozef Hartinger (JIRA)
- [weld-issues] [JBoss JIRA] Created: (WELD-659) hello-world example - unexpected behavior
Jozef Hartinger (JIRA)
- [weld-issues] [JBoss JIRA] Created: (WELD-660) Add jboss-public-repository profile to jboss-tck-runner, it needs to be able to be run standalone
Pete Muir (JIRA)
- [weld-issues] [JBoss JIRA] Work started: (WELD-614) Scalability problem with class framework APIs
David Allen (JIRA)
Last message date:
Tue Aug 31 12:23:11 EDT 2010
Archived on: Tue Aug 31 12:23:13 EDT 2010
This archive was generated by
Pipermail 0.09 (Mailman edition).