[wildfly-dev] access to mgmt api/services

Bill Burke bburke at redhat.com
Thu Feb 6 15:51:56 EST 2014

I replied and summarized more in a separate email as the points.  I'm 
not complaining just trying to figure out how to implement things.  I 
agree that REST can be subjective.  But the JSOn format mentioned is 
tailored and specific to Wildfly.

On 2/6/2014 3:37 PM, Jason Greene wrote:
> BTW the reason I am complaining is because most of the time I have to GUESS what you are actually complaining about. Like is it the fact that you want reads to be more “REST” like?
> Well you can do normal GETs if you want:
> http://localhost:9990/management/host/master/server/server-one

I did not know about this, AFAIK, its not documented.  Only thing I saw 
was the RPC JSON HTTP API thingy.  This helps in a lot of cases, but not 
others.  Don't have time now, I"ll try to expand more later.

Bill Burke
JBoss, a division of Red Hat

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