[Hawkular-dev] Kettle build profiles

Viliam Rockai vrockai at redhat.com
Thu Apr 2 11:20:44 EDT 2015

Hello team,

TL;DR: Feel free to use -Pdev profile during the kettle build again. It
should not break the console stuff anymore.

There was a lot of confusion about the -Pdev profile in the
hawkular/hawkular project. Originally this was created just to provide
caching of bower packages and node.js stuff during the console build.
But then, there was some new functionality added to the profile, more
people started to use it and caching caused issues. To fix that, I've
renamed the "caching" profile (from "dev") to "cache". So now we have
three profiles available during the kettle build:

1. -Pdev: Useful for everyone and safe. It unzips the assembly, so it
can be started directly from /target directory and creates a default

2. -Pcache: Useful for everyone but potentionaly dangerous. Using this
profile only makes sense with the "clean" lifecycle. It basically just
excludes the node.js stuff from the clean task, so those files are not
deleted => they are not downloaded again during the following build.
However, if there are changes in JS packages/JS build files used by the
console, you will still see the old/cached ones or even won't be able to
build the console. If you're using the -Pcache profile and the console
build fails, try to rebuild without using this profile.

3. -Plink: Useful for UI developers. This will use the local version of
the hawkular-ui-components. More info:


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