[Hawkular-dev] the new hawkular services distro

Peter Palaga ppalaga at redhat.com
Tue May 24 05:38:44 EDT 2016

Hi *,

PR#1 was just merged and you are all invited to build and try the 
Services [1]. You may want to build with -Pdev to get a distro with 

[1] https://github.com/hawkular/hawkular-services

More inline...

On 2016-05-24 10:48, Juraci Paixão Kröhling wrote:
> On 24.05.2016 10:29, Peter Palaga wrote:
>> I have added maven dev profile yesterday, that adds jdoe:password. The
>> present state of the PR#1 also boots without any apparent failures. Now,
>> we need to figure out how to itest it.
> Let me put my QE hat and share my thoughts: Hawkular Services REST
> endpoints is what we expose as API to other clients, like agents, the Go
> client, the Ruby client and so on. What is done "inside" doesn't matter
> much, as long as this API is stable. So, I'd build a set of use cases
> and do a set of independent test cases, which could in turn be run by
> CI/CD platform.
> We could even get fancy and do it using some "Given/When/Then" framework
> like Cucumber, so that end users can use it as reference on how to use
> Hawkular Services.

@Juca: I am not sure if you are proposing to create a new wide-coverage 
test suite in Services git repo. I do not think that Services is a good 
place for maintaining such a wide-coverage test suite. I think that 
individual components should take care for their all-covering test 
suites in their respective git repos.

As I said earlier on IRC, we should either (a) have a few basic smoke 
tests in Services git repo, or (b) we should find a way to run itests 
pulled as test-jars from the components' repos.

I think that (a) is a safer bet for now. Actually, the e2e tests now 
present in Hawkular could be taken as a good starting point for what we 
need here in Services.



> - Juca.
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