[Hawkular-dev] Proposal for Query DSL

Michael Burman miburman at redhat.com
Wed Apr 19 08:55:48 EDT 2017


If we take the same approach as with tags query language, then some sort 
of SQL is probably what we'll want - combined with some window functions 
for time series handling (introduced in SQL:2003). We could perhaps take 
Apache Calcite as a SQL query engine and implement the necessary 
functions there - as an example or as a prototype (I don't know the 
resource requirements of Calcite, but at least we would "easily" get a 
proper SQL functionality). That same approach is used by Spark SQL to 
implement SQL query language there (and few other products).

The other approach is to also look at some time series query languages 
that the research has invented who knows how many (none of them have 
gathered attention - but that doesn't necessarily mean they're bad, just 
that they were never part of any product).

   - Micke

On 04/18/2017 01:10 AM, Benjamin Heiskell wrote:
> Hey all,
> I recently deployed Hawkular because I found its scaling model 
> appealing. It has been working well for our basic monitoring usage 
> when combined with Grafana.
> One of my consumers is trying to graph KPIs that involve cross-metric 
> mathematics like sums, division, and moving averages (i.e., 
> post-ingress transformations). I looked into how to accomplish this 
> with Hawkular, but I didn't see any obvious way to do it. The stats 
> endpoint seems to only support aggregations on a single metric/tag at 
> a time. I'm finding that we can't visualize these metrics the same way 
> you can with other TSDBs like Graphite/Prometheus.
> I did a little research, and found Heiko Rupp's blog post on HawkFX 
> where he seems to already be exploring this idea [1]. Perhaps the 
> query language item on the 2017 road map refers to incorporating this?
> I would like to assist in developing this feature. Given that there is 
> already a tags DSL, it seems like it would make sense to extend that 
> to support metric transformations.
> Grafana is also considering adding this to Grafana itself, but it 
> doesn't look like the ticket has any traction [2]. Additionally, 
> shipping potentially megabytes of data to Grafana (or the user's 
> browser) to aggregate doesn't seem ideal.
> I documented a few TSDB DSLs styles here [3].
> What do you all think?
> Thanks,
> Ben
> [1] http://pilhuhn.blogspot.com/2016/09/computed-metrics-for-hawkfx.html
> [2] https://github.com/grafana/grafana/issues/3677
> [3] https://gist.github.com/bheiskell/25af2543ee8588f70895b0311ef291d3
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