[jboss-dev] Include Web Beans RI in next JBoss 5 release

Jason T. Greene jason.greene at redhat.com
Sun Jan 18 17:48:03 EST 2009

Carlo de Wolf wrote:
> I agree with both arguments. We must stick to rule we set for 
> versioning. But we must also have a means to bring in new technologies 
> onto the AS platform.
> For me I don't see option (b) happening in a fashion project leads want 
> to benefit of it. Most likely we'll have a quarterly or bi-monthly AS 
> release, while I would want a bi-weekly release of EJB3.
> That's the reason why we're working on the EJB3 plugin. It works in a 
> similar manner to the WB RI update. Use ant to patch AS.
> In future this is going to be handled by the patching functionality of 
> the Profile Service. It'll be backed up by a Maven repository where 
> it'll download the version of a bundle/package specified by the 
> administrator.

Ugh, I really hope we reconsider integrating maven's buggy codebase into 
AS. Any patch functionality should not need to download more items than 
the patch itself. Further this kind of thing really only seems useful 
for applying simple support patches, not so much for feature upgrades.

It's perfectly fine for a component library to do their own AS upgrade, 
however that doesn't escape the need for frequent AS releases. Also, 
updating a minor AS rev is simpler for users to manage, and all of the 
components are actually tested together.

Jason T. Greene
JBoss, a division of Red Hat

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