[jbosstools-dev] Hudson Job Update :: Nearly All Blue in 32x and trunk (except: bpel, AS, maven/seam, m2e-wtp)

Nick Boldt nboldt at redhat.com
Thu Jun 16 02:40:58 EDT 2011

Problem w/ a .target that points at eclipse.org is that you run into 
problem when they move or delete things.

You could - as we do for JBT and JBDS, have a .target file that maps 1:1 
to an update site, which is published to download.jboss.org so that the 
requirements are guaranteed to exist.

I'd be happy to have another .target file living in this folder [1], if 
you want to take advantage of the ant script there to provision an 
update site from a target platform definition file.

[1] http://anonsvn.jboss.org/repos/jbosstools/trunk/build/target-platform/

Run it like this:

$ ant -DtargetFile=m2e-wtp.target 



On 06/16/2011 02:27 AM, Fred Bricon wrote:
> Because I use the .target as a target platform in eclipse too. So I
> don't have to maintain 2 environments, one for the build, one for the
> development. Downside is it brings SDKs during the CLI build, but I'm OK
> with it.
> Using
> http://download.eclipse.org/webtools/downloads/drops/R3.3.0/S-3.3.0RC4b-20110607160810/repository
> fixed the build last night.
> On 06/16/2011 05:43 AM, Nick Boldt wrote:
>> Why do you need SDK features? Surely you only depend on binaries, not
>> sources?
>> On 06/15/2011 05:36 PM, Fred Bricon wrote:
>>> The maven/seam tests are back to blue.
>>> The m2e-wtp e37 is failing because someone at eclipse wiped the
>>> http://download.eclipse.org/webtools/repository/indigo/ update site.
>>> Using the jbosstools mirror didn't help, because it's missing some SDKs.
>>> Anyone knows where I can find the webtools bits now???
>>> The e36 job succeeds though and still publishes stuff.
>>> Regards,
>>> Fred Bricon
>>> On 06/15/2011 06:59 PM, Nick Boldt wrote:
>>>> Nice work, everyone!
>>>> = Maintenance Branch: 3.2.x / 4.x =
>>>> Currently, only 2 jobs are non-blue - bpel and .continuous:
>>>> * bpel apparently now depends on archives (or has always depended on
>>>> archives), so I've updated the swimlanes & job linkages accordingly
>>>> * continuous "will it all compile?" job: hudson glitch; respinning
>>>> --
>>>> = Trunk: 3.3.0 / 5.0 =
>>>> Currently, only 4 jobs are non-blue - AS, .tests, m2e-wtp, and forge:
>>>> * AS: 2 test failures, which Rob is working to fix
>>>> * tests "all JBT tests in a single place" job: since June 13, we're
>>>> down to just 1 long-running Maven test failure! -
>>>> org.jboss.tools.maven.ui.bot.test.MavenAllBotTests.org.jboss.tools.maven.ui.bot.test.CreateMavenizedSeamProjectTest
>>>> See:
>>>> http://hudson.qa.jboss.com/hudson/view/DevStudio/view/DevStudio_Trunk/job/jbosstools-3.3_trunk.tests/lastCompletedBuild/testReport/
>>>> * m2e-wtp: missing WTP dep? respinning anyway
>>>> See:
>>>> http://hudson.qa.jboss.com/hudson/view/DevStudio/view/DevStudio_Trunk/job/m2eclipse-wtp-e37/
>>>> * forge: hudson glitch; respinning

Nick Boldt :: JBoss by Red Hat
Productization Lead :: JBoss Tools & Dev Studio

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