[jsr-314-open] [293-Ajax] REOPEN rename <f:ajax> to <f:clientBehavior>?

Kito Mann kito.mann at VIRTUA.COM
Thu Apr 23 07:58:00 EDT 2009

On Apr 23, 2009, at 7:45 AM, Roger Kitain <Roger.Kitain at SUN.COM> wrote:

> No.  Do not rename f:ajax tag.  Ajax is just one type of client  
> behavior.  This is an important distinction that must
> be understood.


> Andy Schwartz wrote:
>> Hi Ed -
>> I can see the argument that we should provide a generic  
>> <f:clientBehavior> that plays the same role that <f:converter> and  
>> <f:validator> play for Converters and Validators - ie. allows the  
>> page author to attach an arbitrary attached object instance by id/ 
>> binding.  (I kind of thought that we might have provided this  
>> already, but looking at the release candidate 2 PFD tag docs, I do  
>> not see this.)  However, I do not see <f:clientBehavior> as as a  
>> replacement for <f:ajax>, but an addition to our tag API.  Since  
>> such an addition would make the Behavior API more consistent with  
>> our Converter/Validator APIs - something we've been striving for  
>> from the start of the Behavior API design process - I would be  
>> happy to see this go in.
>> I am very much opposed, however, to removing the <f:ajax> tag in  
>> favor of a generic <f:clientBehavior> tag, for the same reasons  
>> that I would be opposed to removing, say, <f:convertNumber> in  
>> favor of the generic <f:converter> tag.
>> Andy
>> Ed Burns wrote On 4/23/2009 4:43 AM ET:
>>> I am opening the 2.0 door a crack to consider this one renaming  
>>> change.
>>> Don't expect that I'll let other things through.
>>> Several people have suggested renaming f:ajax to  
>>> f:clientBehavior.  Here
>>> are some arguments for and against renaming.
>>> Arguments for renaming
>>> * more correct.  The attached object is a clientBehavior
>>> * it's possible and likely to use the tag for non-ajax things
>>> * this is the 20% case
>>> Arguments against renaming
>>> * most users will be using the tag for Ajax
>>> * IDE autocomplete is important to consider.  Many new users rely
>>>  heavily on this feature and if we don't have an ajax tag, we force
>>>  them to look at the docs.  Autocomplete junkies hate that.
>>> * this is the 80% case
>>> My opinion is not to rename, but Pete, Martin and I have different
>>> thoughts on this so I'll bring it to the EG.
>>> Ed

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