[jsr-314-open] begin success complete and rendered?

Dan Allen dan.j.allen at GMAIL.COM
Sun May 24 22:06:59 EDT 2009

On Sun, May 24, 2009 at 8:40 PM, Jim Driscoll <Jim.Driscoll at sun.com> wrote:

> You know, that's a really good question - I don't think we considered that
> use case.  Probably because we were expecting the rendering process itself
> to not take a really noticeable amount of time.    Other than rendering a
> new image component, or a complex canvas, or a really complex table, I can't
> imagine it taking all that long - what are you rendering?
> (If it's just a single image tag that's rendering, you could always do a
> onload attribute on that element...)
> Though I haven't tested it, I think that a rendered event isn't going to
> help you anyway if it's an image, since the image itself will be loaded out
> of band (I think) after the DOM is updated, and the rendered event will have
> long before fired off...  more or less mimicking what you're already seeing.

I believe you are describing the situation perfectly. The rendering of the
image is really not part of the Ajax request at all. The main issue is that
the onload even of an image was never standardized in HTML (to my
knowledge), which is such a pain point of HTML. However, I do know that it
works in most browsers.


Dan Allen
Senior Software Engineer, Red Hat | Author of Seam in Action


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