[jsr-314-open] Execute phase of lifecycle in spec

David Geary clarity.training at GMAIL.COM
Mon May 25 12:28:26 EDT 2009

2009/5/25 Dan Allen <dan.j.allen at gmail.com>

> On Mon, May 25, 2009 at 9:24 AM, Andy Schwartz <andy.schwartz at oracle.com>wrote:
>>  Dan Allen wrote On 5/24/2009 10:20 PM ET:
>> On Sun, May 24, 2009 at 7:28 PM, David Geary <clarity.training at gmail.com>wrote:
>>> Why would we show a diagram that we know is wrong? I'd also like to know
>>> if Invoke Application is part of the execute portion of the lifecycle.
>> It has to be. That's got to be a typo. The very definition of execute is
>> to invoke something.
>> I think the idea here is that we perform  partial traversals of the
>> component tree and visit the "execute" ids during apply request values,
>> process validations and update model.  Invoke application is slightly
>> different - we simply deliver events and invoke the application action
>> listener.  No partial traversal of the component tree occurs.  We should
>> clean up the wording in section 13.4.2 to make that clearer.
> Ah, that makes sense. Invocations occur, but only the action listener of
> the target element...not anything just happened to be fired that would be
> discovered from a tree walk. Yes, if you clarify that statement, then I
> think folks will get it the first time. So my mistake for saying it is a
> typo. It just needs to be slightly reworded for clarity.

Yup, I concur. Thanks for the clarification, Andy.


> -Dan
> --
> Dan Allen
> Senior Software Engineer, Red Hat | Author of Seam in Action
> http://mojavelinux.com
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